grails ng-alain profile is integrate grails restful api and an-algin. the an-algin is out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications, let developers focus on business, built on the design principles developed by Ant Design
I holp it can auto generate curd views and restapi with a command
git clone
cd ng-alain
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
install grails and ant-design environment
grails create-app grails-alain-test --profile=org.grails.profiles:ng-alain:0.9.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
cd grails-alain-test/client and run
npm install
to make sure js dependecy install -
create a domain class, for example, Address.groovy
cd grails-alain-test/server
run grails ng-alain-curd Address to generate curd componets or grails ng-alain-list Address、 grails ng-alain-view Address、grails ng-alain-edit Address to generator single views
now the generator views's field is not changed by the grails model file, next step I hope it can generator views based on the grails model file, and I was work on it