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303 lines (217 loc) · 25.3 KB

File metadata and controls

303 lines (217 loc) · 25.3 KB

1.0.0 (Unreleased)


  • New Data Source: azurerm_network_security_group [GH-623]
  • New Data Source: azurerm_virtual_network [GH-533]
  • New Resource: azurerm_management_lock [GH-575]
  • New Resource: azurerm_network_watcher [GH-571]


  • authentication - add support for the latest Azure CLI configuration [GH-573]
  • authentication - conditional loading of the Subscription ID / Tenant ID / Environment [GH-574]
  • core - appending additions to the User Agent, so we don't overwrite the Go SDK User Agent info [GH-587]
  • core: Upgrading to v11.2.2-beta of the Azure SDK for Go [GH-594]
  • azurerm_app_service - exposing the Default Hostname as a Computed field [GH-612]
  • azurerm_eventhub_namespace - capacity can now be configured up to 20 [GH-556]
  • azurerm_eventhub_namespace - support for AutoInflating/MaximumThroughputCapacity [GH-569]
  • azurerm_image - fixing an out of index error when flattening image data disks [GH-589]
  • azurerm_local_network_gateway - support for BGP Settings [GH-611]
  • azurerm_virtual_network - fixes deadlock issue where multiple subnets shared the same Network Security Group [GH-620]
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - removing the deprecated diagnostics_profile field [GH-593]
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - support for managed service identity [GH-482]
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - Support for updating the customData field [GH-559]
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - ensuring changes to the settings object are detected [GH-609]

0.3.3 (November 14, 2017)


  • New Resource: azurerm_redis_firewall_rule (#529)


  • authentication: allow using multiple subscriptions for Azure CLI auth (#445)
  • core: appending the CloudShell version to the user agent when running within CloudShell (#483)
  • azurerm_app_service / azurerm_app_service_plan - adding validation for the name fields (#528)
  • azurerm_container_registry - Migration: Fixing a crash when the storage_account block is nil (#551)
  • azurerm_lb_nat_rule: support for floating IP's (#542)
  • azurerm_public_ip - Clarify the error message for the validation of domain name label (#485)
  • azurerm_network_security_group - fixing a crash when changes were made outside of Terraform (#492)
  • azurerm_redis_cache: support for Patch Schedules (#540)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - ensuring vhd_uri is validated (#470)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set: fixing a crash where accelerated networking isn't returned by the API (#480)

0.3.2 (October 30, 2017)


  • New Resource: azurerm_application_gateway (#413)


  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - Add nil check to os disk (#436)

  • azurerm_key_vault - Increased timeout on dns availability (#457)

  • azurerm_route_table - Fix issue when routes are computed (#450)

0.3.1 (October 21, 2017)


  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - Updating this resource with the v11 of the Azure SDK for Go (#448)

0.3.0 (October 17, 2017)


  • azurerm_automation_account - the SKU Free has been replaced with Basic.
  • azurerm_container_registry - Azure has updated the SKU from Basic to Classic, with new Basic, Standard and Premium SKU's introduced.
  • azurerm_container_registry - the storage_account block is now storage_account_id and is only required for Classic SKU's
  • azurerm_key_vault - certificate_permissions, key_permissions and secret_permissions have all had the All option removed by Azure. Each permission now needs to be specified manually.
  • azurerm_route_table - route is no longer computed
  • azurerm_servicebus_namespace - The capacity field can only be set for Premium SKU's
  • azurerm_servicebus_queue - The enable_batched_operations and support_ordering fields have been deprecated by Azure.
  • azurerm_servicebus_subscription - The dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions has been removed by Azure.
  • azurerm_servicebus_topic - The enable_filtering_messages_before_publishing field has been removed by Azure.


  • New Data Source: azurerm_builtin_role_definition (#384)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_image (#382)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_key_vault_access_policy (#423)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_platform_image (#375)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_role_definition (#414)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_snapshot (#420)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_subnet (#411)
  • New Resource: azurerm_key_vault_certificate (#408)
  • New Resource: azurerm_role_assignment (#414)
  • New Resource: azurerm_role_definition (#414)
  • New Resource: azurerm_snapshot (#420)


  • Upgrading to v11 of the Azure SDK for Go (#367)
  • azurerm_client_config - updating the data source to work when using AzureCLI auth (#393)
  • azurerm_container_group - add support for volume mounts (#366)
  • azurerm_key_vault - fix a crash when no certificate_permissions are defined (#374)
  • azurerm_key_vault - waiting for the DNS to propagate (#401)
  • azurerm_managed_disk - support for creating Managed Disks from Platform Images by supporting "FromImage" (#399)
  • azurerm_managed_disk - support for creating Encrypted Managed Disks (#399)
  • azurerm_mysql_* - Ensuring we register the MySQL Resource Provider (#397)
  • azurerm_network_interface - exposing all of the Private IP Addresses assigned to the NIC (#409)
  • azurerm_network_security_group / azurerm_network_security_rule - refactoring (#405)
  • azurerm_route_table - removing routes when none are specified (#403)
  • azurerm_route_table - refactoring route from a Set to a List (#402)
  • azurerm_route - refactoring route from a Set to a List (#402)
  • azurerm_storage_account - support for File Encryption (#363)
  • azurerm_storage_account - support for Custom Domain (#363)
  • azurerm_storage_account - splitting the storage account Tier and Replication out into separate fields (#363)
  • azurerm_storage_account - returning a user friendly error when trying to provision a Blob Storage Account with ZRS redundancy (#421)
  • azurerm_subnet - making it possible to remove Network Security Groups / Route Tables (#411)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - fixing a bug where additional_unattend_config.content was being updated unintentionally (#377)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - switching to use Lists instead of Sets (#426)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - fixing a bug where additional_unattend_config.content was being updated unintentionally (#377)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - support for multiple network profiles (#378)

0.2.2 (September 28, 2017)


  • New Resource: azurerm_key_vault_key (#356)
  • New Resource: azurerm_log_analytics_workspace (#331)
  • New Resource: azurerm_mysql_configuration (#352)
  • New Resource: azurerm_mysql_database (#352)
  • New Resource: azurerm_mysql_firewall_rule (#352)
  • New Resource: azurerm_mysql_server (#352)


  • Updating the provider initialization & adding a skip_credentials_validation field to the provider for some advanced scenarios (#322)

0.2.1 (September 25, 2017)


  • New Resource: azurerm_automation_account (#257)
  • New Resource: azurerm_automation_credential (#257)
  • New Resource: azurerm_automation_runbook (#257)
  • New Resource: azurerm_automation_schedule (#257)
  • New Resource: azurerm_app_service (#344)


  • azurerm_client_config - adding service_principal_application_id (#348)
  • azurerm_key_vault - adding application_id and certificate_permissions (#348)


  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - fix panic with additional_unattend_config block (#266)

0.2.0 (September 15, 2017)


  • Support for authenticating using the Azure CLI (#316)
  • New Resource: azurerm_container_group (#333] [#311] [#338)


  • azurerm_app_service_plan - support for Linux App Service Plans (#332)
  • azurerm_postgresql_server - supporting additional storage sizes (#239)
  • azurerm_public_ip - verifying the ID is valid before importing (#320)
  • azurerm_sql_server - verifying the name is valid before creating (#323)
  • resource_group_name - validation has been added to all resources that use this attribute (#330)

0.1.7 (September 11, 2017)


  • New Resource: azurerm_postgresql_configuration (#210)
  • New Resource: azurerm_postgresql_database (#210)
  • New Resource: azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule (#210)
  • New Resource: azurerm_postgresql_server (#210)


  • azurerm_cdn_endpoint - defaulting the http_port and https_port (#301)
  • azurerm_cosmos_db_account: allow setting the Kind to MongoDB/GlobalDocumentDB (#299)

0.1.6 (August 31, 2017)


  • New Data Source: azurerm_subscription (#285)
  • New Resource: azurerm_app_service_plan (#1)
  • New Resource: azurerm_eventgrid_topic (#260)
  • New Resource: azurerm_key_vault_secret (#269)


  • azurerm_image - added a default to the caching field (#259)
  • azurerm_key_vault - validation for the name field (#270)
  • azurerm_network_interface - support for multiple IP Configurations / setting the Primary IP Configuration (#245)
  • azurerm_resource_group - poll until the resource group is created (by migrating to the Azure SDK for Go) (#289)
  • azurerm_search_service - migrating to use the Azure SDK for Go (#283)
  • azurerm_sql_* - ensuring deleted resources are detected (#289] / [#255)
  • azurerm_sql_database - Import Support (#289)
  • azurerm_sql_database - migrating to using the Azure SDK for Go (#289)
  • azurerm_sql_firewall_rule - migrating to using the Azure SDK for Go (#289)
  • azurerm_sql_server - added checks to handle name not being globally unique (#189)
  • azurerm_sql_server - making administrator_login ForceNew (#189)
  • azurerm_sql_server - migrate to using the azure-sdk-for-go (#189)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - Force recreation if storage_data_disk.create_option changes (#240)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - Fix address issue when setting the winrm block (#271)
  • updating to v10.3.0-beta of the Azure SDK for Go (#258)
  • Removing the (now unused) Riviera SDK (#289] [#291)


  • azurerm_cosmosdb_account - fixing the validation on the name field (#263)
  • azurerm_sql_server - handle deleted servers correctly (#189)
  • Fixing the Microsoft.Insights Resource Provider Registration (#282)

0.1.5 (August 09, 2017)


  • azurerm_sql_* - upgrading to version 2014-04-01 of the SQL API's (#201)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - support for the Windows_Client Hybrid Use Benefit type (#212)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - support for custom images and managed disks (#203)


  • azurerm_sql_database - fixing creating a DB with a PointInTimeRestore (#197)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - fix a crash when the properties for a network inteface aren't returned (#208)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - changes to custom data should force new resource (#211)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - fixes a crash caused by an empty os_profile_windows_config block (#222)
  • Checking to ensure the HTTP Response isn't nil before accessing it (fixes (#200]) [#204)

0.1.4 (July 26, 2017)


  • azurerm_dns_* - upgrading to version 2016-04-01 of the Azure DNS API by switching from Riviera -> Azure SDK for Go (#192)

0.1.3 (July 21, 2017)


  • New Resource: azurerm_dns_ptr_record (#141)
  • New Resource:azurerm_image (#8)
  • New Resource: azurerm_servicebus_queue (#151)


  • azurerm_client_config - added a service_principal_object_id attribute to the data source (#175)
  • azurerm_search_service - added import support (#172)
  • azurerm_servicebus_topic - added a status field to allow disabling the topic (#150)
  • azurerm_storage_account - Added support for Require secure transfer (#167)
  • azurerm_storage_table - updating the name validation (#143)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - making admin_password optional for Linux VM's (#154)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding a plan block for Marketplace images (#161)

0.1.2 (June 29, 2017)


  • New Data Source: azurerm_managed_disk (#121)
  • New Resource: azurerm_application_insights (#3)
  • New Resource: azurerm_cosmosdb_account (#108)
  • azurerm_network_interface now supports import (#119)


  • Ensuring consistency in when storing the location field in the state for the azurerm_availability_set, azurerm_express_route_circuit, azurerm_load_balancer, azurerm_local_network_gateway, azurerm_managed_disk, azurerm_network_security_group azurerm_public_ip, azurerm_resource_group, azurerm_route_table, azurerm_storage_account, azurerm_virtual_machine and azurerm_virtual_network resources (#123)
  • azurerm_redis_cache - now supports backup settings for Premium Redis Cache's (#130)
  • azurerm_storage_account - exposing a formatted Connection String for Blob access (#142)


  • azurerm_cdn_endpoint - fixing update of the origin_host_header (#134)
  • azurerm_container_service - exposes the FQDN of the master_profile as a computed field (#125)
  • azurerm_key_vault - fixing import / the validation on Access Policies (#124)
  • azurerm_network_interface - Normalizing the location field in the state (#122)
  • azurerm_network_interface - fixing a crash when importing a NIC with a Public IP (#128)
  • azurerm_network_security_rule: network_security_group_name is now ForceNew (#138)
  • azurerm_subnet now correctly detects changes to Network Securtiy Groups and Routing Table's (#113)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - making optional (#129)

0.1.1 (June 21, 2017)


  • Sort ResourceID.Path keys for consistent output (#116)

0.1.0 (June 20, 2017)





  • Fixing the Deadlock issue (#6)