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Detailed Explanation: Groups

Winxp5421 edited this page Mar 20, 2018 · 3 revisions

Hashtopolis version 0.5.0 now has groups which allow a more fine-grained access management to tasks and agents. Previously when a user created tasks and hashlists, all other users were able to see them and all agents were able to work on tasks (as long as they were not marked secret and the agent was untrusted).

Groups now allow only a specific set of users to see a task/hashlist/agent. For example, you can have two groups from different departments and they can run their own department tasks independently from the other department's tasks. Essentially segregating department resources.

Users and agents can be a member of multiple groups at the same time, this allows even more possibilities when grouping resources, depending on your specific need. By default, hashtopolis has a single default group which will be used to assign new users and agents to. Admin users can then add agents and users to a customizable group.

When a user creates a new hashlist, they can select which groups the task will be issued to. Users are able to issue tasks only to groups they are members of. Agents machines must be a member of the same group assigned to the task in order to start work. Agent machines will not be able to see tasks assigned to other groups the agent is not a member of.