Task 1 (Lexer) and Task 2 (Parser) are complete.
- These tasks pass all the given tests as well as some additional tests.
- Additionally, parser tree data pasting into HTML file is automated. Whenever script
is executed for any testcase file, its tree is automatically constructed through HTML file.
Task 3, 4 are incomplete.
- Install ANTLR python library:
pip install antlr4-python3-runtime
- Install Pycharm or VSCode plugins for ANTLR 4.
- After updating Decaf.g4, compile the language:
java -Xmx500M -cp antlr-4.7.2-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=Python3 Decaf.g4 -visitor
If parser rules are updated, copy the methods from DecafVisitor.py
to decaf-parser.py
and replace visitChildren
method with printNode
- Run lexer:
python decaf-lexer.py
- Run Parser:
python decaf-parser.py
Checkout this tutorial for ANTLR: ANTLR Mega Tutorial