Yumtags! aims to make build reproducibility easier on RPM/YUM systems (RHEL, CentOS, etc.).
gem install vagrant # If you haven't already - do so now. Needs Virtualbox.
vagrant up
Drop some RPMs into the /public directory. Browse to the vagrant VM's HTTPD port . Generate a tag. Use the tag as the baseurl in your YUM repository definitions on your server builds, for example:
name=Tagged repository for reproducible build
If you'd like to integrate this with your CI setup, you can POST for JSON.
curl -X POST -d "" -H "Accept: application/json" localhost
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
cd /vagrant
bundle exec cucumber features
Open two terminals
Terminal 1:
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
cd /vagrant
rackup -p 80
Terminal 2:
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
/etc/init.d/repo_creator stop
cd /vagrant
ruby bin/repo_creator_control.rb run
Create some tags and observe the magic that is Yumtags!.
Please, please, please fork this, improve it, and issue a pull request. You know you want to.