an orm library for go, based on go generate, zero document needed, inspired by jpa
- below functions list what is going to be implented or not
type BookRepository[T entity.Book] interface {
FindByNameAndAuthor(name string, author string) (T, error)
//needed? this signature is not good for readness
FindByNameAndAuthor(name, author string) (T, error)
//in progress
FindById(k int) (T,error)
//in progress
FindAuthorByName(name string) (string , error)
//in progress
FindByName(name string) ([]T , error)
//in progress
FindAuthorByName(name string) ([]string, error)
//in progress where created_date < ptime
FindByCreatedDateLt(ptime time.Time) ([]T, error)
//in progress
//batch selection is not worth here
FindByNameIn(names []string) ([]T, error)
//in progress
// batch selection is not worth here
FindByNameNotIn(names []string) ([]T, error)
//in progress will not provide auto generated id
Insert(book T) error
//in progress will not provide auto generated id
InsertAll(books []T) (int, error)
//in progress
//same to update by id?
Update(book T) error
//in progress
UpdateAll(books []T) (int, error)
//to keep the similar order to update author = ? where name = ?
//needn't to return the number of updated rows?
//in progress
UpdateAuthorByName(author string, name string) (int, error)
generic looks not necessary enough in this library, while we use comment to determine the interface is repository or not, while not all user like generics, it does imporve the readability. without type paramter, we need to go through method list to determine the entity, but unfortunately, it is likely that all method doesn't bind entity, so that we can't get column name from entity's tag.
instead of using method name to extract the sql criteria, looks for comment to extract the criteria is more graceful way. long method name is ugly if there are many paramters, the long name is a pain to IDE autocompletion as the popup windows is small. we aim to display the whole method signature
FindByNameInAndAuthorAndCreatedLessThan select * from book where name in (?,?,?,?) and author = ? and Created < ? author = ? and Created < ? can be in one string literal rather than concating auther then concating created
- for the generated code
- print to console
- save to one file
- save to directory for many file
- able to generate for one method
- able to generate for one source file
- able to generate for whole package
- able to customize the annotation in order to compat other orm libs like use gorm instead of jorm-column
- able to generate without repostiory (maybe console only as file is better seperated by entity or repostiroy)