utility comamnds of https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim with rich completion.
:Dein [--help] subcommand
utility commands of dein.vim
Positional arguments:
subcommand A name of subcommand
direct-install [dein#direct_install] install a plugin directly
source [dein#source] :source plugins
rollback [dein#rollback] rollback plugins
update [dein#update] update a plugin
check-clean [dein#check_clean] check unused plugins directories
clear-state [dein#clear_state] clear the dein state file
updates-log [dein#get_updates_log] show the dein update log
search [original] seach vim plugins from GitHub
recache-runtimepath [dein#recache_runtimepath] re-make runtimepath cache and execute :helptags
each [dein#each] execute shell command for each plugins
check-lazy-plugins [dein#check_lazy_plugins] check nonsense lazy plugins
reinstall [dein#reinstall] reinstall a plugin
log [dein#get_log] show the dein log
check-install [dein#check_install] check plugins installation
install [dein#install] install a plugin
check-update [dein#check_update] check plugins update
clean [original] clean plugins directories
list [original] print a list of configured bundles
Note that each sub-commands also have -h/--help option (*)
Optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help