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Compat Package for Julia

Build Status

The Compat package is designed to ease interoperability between older and newer versions of the Julia language. In particular, in cases where it is impossible to write code that works with both the latest Julia master branch and older Julia versions, or impossible to write code that doesn't generate a deprecation warning in some Julia version, the Compat package provides a macro that lets you use the latest syntax in a backwards-compatible way.

This is primarily intended for use by other Julia packages, where it is important to maintain cross-version compatibility.


To use Compat in your Julia package, add a line Compat to the REQUIRE file in your package directory. Then, in your package, after a using Compat statement to load Compat, simply use:

@compat ...Julia master syntax...

wherever you want to use syntax that differs in the latest Julia master (the development version of Julia).

Supported syntax

Currently, the @compat macro supports the following syntaxes:

  • @compat Dict(foo => bar, baz => qux) - type-inferred Dict construction.

  • @compat Dict{Foo,Bar}(foo => bar, baz => qux) - type-declared Dict construction.

  • @compat split(str, splitter; keywords...) - the Julia 0.4-style keyword-based split function

  • @compat rsplit(str, splitter; keywords...) - the Julia 0.4-style keyword-based rsplit function

  • @compat Float64(x), @compat UInt8(x), - the Julia 0.4-style numeric types constructor.

  • @compat Tuple{foo, bar} - Julia 0.4-style tuple types.

  • @compat chol(A, Val{:U}) - Julia 0.4 type-stable cholesky factorizations (will not be type-stable on 0.3)

Type Aliases

  • typealias AbstractString String - String has been renamed to AbstractString #8872

  • typealias AssertionError ErrorException - AssertionError was introduced in ##9734; before @assert threw an ErrorException

  • For all unsigned integer types to their equivalents with uppercase I. #8907

  • Cstring and Cwstring for Ptr{Cchar} and Ptr{Cwchar_t}, respectively: these should be used for passing NUL-terminated strings to ccall. (In Julia 0.4, using these types also checks whether the string has embedded NUL characters #10994.)

New functions

  • eachindex, as in for i in eachindex(A), can be used in julia 0.3. This is the recommended way to iterate over each index in an AbstractArray. On julia 0.3 eachindex just returns 1:length(A), but in julia 0.4 it can return a more sophisticated iterator.

  • isdiag, which tests whether a matrix is diagonal, can be used in julia 0.3.

  • keytype and valtype, which return key and value type of Associative type, can be used in julia 0.3.

  • fma(x,y,z) and muladd(x,y,z) can be used in Julia 0.3 for x*y+z.

Renamed functions

  • itrunc, iround, iceil, ifloor are now accessed via trunc(T, x), etc. #9133

  • Base.Random.randmtzig_exprnd is now randexp #9144

  • sizehint is now sizehint! #9278

  • Base.IPv4 and Base.IPv6 can now accept Strings as constructor arguments #9346

  • randbool() is now rand(Bool) and randbool([dims]) is now bitrand([dims]) #9569

  • beginswith is now startswith #9583

  • |>, >>, .>, and .>> are now pipe #10211

  • names(::DataType) is now renamed to fieldnames #10332

  • parseint and parsefloat are now parse(T, ...) #10543; along the same line BigFloat(s::String) is now parse(BigFloat,s) #10955.

  • convert(::Ptr{T}, x) is now Base.unsafe_convert #9986. Compat provides an unexported Compat.unsafe_convert method that is aliased to Base.convert on Julia 0.3 and Base.unsafe_convert on Julia 0.4.

New macros

  • @inline and @noinline have been added. On 0.3, these are "no-ops," meaning they don't actually do anything.

Other changes

  • Dict(ks, vs) is now Dict(zip(ks, vs)) #8521

  • Libc and dynamic library-related functions have been moved to the Libc and Libdl modules #10328

  • zero(Ptr{T}) is now Ptr{T}(0) #8909

New types

Developer tips

If you're adding additional compatibility code to this package, the following shell script is useful for extracting the version number from a git commit SHA:

#! /bin/bash
last_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
git rev-list $1 ^$last_tag | wc -l | sed -e 's/[^[:digit:]]//g'

This will print a number XXXX, and you can then test whether Julia is at least this version by VERSION >= v"0.4.0-dev+XXXX" (assuming it is a commit from the 0.4 development cycle).


cross-version compatibility







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