- The purpose of this repository is for a manager at an internet retail company to use a back end for my e-commerce website that uses the latest technologies for their company to compete with other e-commerce companies.
- This is done by building the back end for an e-commerce site by modifying starter code. Configure a working Express.js API to use Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database.
- Click here for a video demo of this application.
In order to start the server and sync Sequelize models to the MySQL database:
- In MySQL Shell (in db folder level), enter the following command:
- To create database:
source schema.sql
- In server level terminal, enter the following commands:
- To seed database with test data:
npm run seed
- To invoke the application:
npm run start
- Bootcamp Materials
- Unit 13 Mini-Project
- Sequelize Documentation: Associations and Validations & Constraints
- Demonstration by TA in class
- Insomnia file was provided by TA in class that has testing examples for all methods to all models + route URLs.
- Tutor
- dotenv Package
- Express Package
- MySQL2 Package
- Sequelize Package (Using version 6.3.5 instead of 5.21.7 as per instructor)
- VS Code
- Insomnia
- Screencastify
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