Base on, gitreceive, git and Node.js, this is a small Platform As A Service for node.js application deployed in a node.js enviromnent
This is largely based on dokku, but without the buildpack from heroku which are too heavy for my need. I simply use a docker image that contains NVM to install the appropriate version of node.js before deploying the app
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
download the JDK and copy it under data/app_container/paas/
To build the docker image, used to run JAVA and Node.js application, you have to download the jdk 1.7 manually prior to run 'vagrant up', if running in vagrant or before running 'make' if installing bare metal. For this release, the scripts expect the JDK 1.7_40 for linux 64 bits (e.g. 'jdk-7u40-linux-x64.gz') Once donwloaded, move into ./data/app_container/paas/' directory.
Once the installation is completed, you will have to set a password for the "addkey" user inside the vagrant box (or your bare bone machine):
passwd addkey
And then from any machine where you want to use this PAAS, add your public by:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh addkey@__PAAS_HOST__
From that point you can push a new application onto the server using git:
git remote add paas git@__PAAS_HOST__:__MyAppName__
git push paas master
open http://__MyAppName__.__PAAS_HOST__
On Mac OS X (Mountain Lion) here are the step I used to be able to use http://AppName.hostname/
Create a file with the name of your paas host (e.g. the default is paas.onprem) in /etc/resolver:
With the content:
Then install dnsmasq using MacPort
sudo port install dnsmasq
Create a file with the name of your paas host (e.g. the default is paas.onprem) in cat /etc/dnsmasq.d
The content of the file should be in the form of
The default for the vagrant box should be:
^- notice the starting dot!
Then update/flush the DNS:
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.dnsmasq.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.dnsmasq.plist
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
The real solution is to use a real DNS name and make the A record point to your paas box.
The worst solution is to use the PAAS box as you DNS.
The "not fun" solution is to use to figure out the external (semi-random) port number and use http://paas.onprem:semi_random_port/