This is a Blogging website made with python-django and vanilla javascript.
- Django 3.0
- Python 3.8
- Javascript, HTML5/CSS3
- Bootstrap 4
- Cloudinary
- Tailwind CSS
- CKeditor a integrated RichTextEditor
- Home page The UI for this page is created with tailwind CSS. Where the Images are added with the help of UNSPLASH API. This page consist the overview of the complete website.
- BLog This is the page where you can see all the recent posts. You can also create your own posts if you wish but for that you need to login first. To get more info about the blog part of the website please visit this link: Overview.
- Login Page
- SignUp Page
I have listed some basic pages or constituents of the website you can visit the site to know more. This is a link to the complete site Devit-blog
- Easy UI The UI of the website is supereasy to use and consists of required help-texts and visual feedback.
- An Reset password feature The website consists of a reset password feature incase you forget the pasword.
- An activation Email This is used to make sure that the email you entered is authentic or not. So that we can help you with any problem in the future, because its the only way of communication between us and the user.
- CRUD functinality for posts A user can created update and delete post on their own convenience.
- A RichTextEditor For creating the post you are given a richtexteditor(Ckeditor) so that you can write with creativity. It enables you to add media and links and all types of data that you need for a blog post.
- Profile Update functionality You can create a profile and personalize it in your own way by adding the profilepic changing username and all kinds of normal stuffs.
For uploading and storing data I have used cloudinary. Cloudinary has its own django-package which comes with all the required form fields which can be used for uploading images, videos and files. We can also use AWS S3 for the same task.
If you feel that anything is missing or wrong in the website feel free to contribute it from your side or atleast suggest us using Github. We will try to come up with a desired solution. Another way of contribution is the non-technical way in which you can login and write a guest post I would really appreciate any kind of contribution Technical or Non-Technical.