Code/videos/supporting files for the demos of my Defcon24 talk, "Let's Get Physical: Network Attacks Against Physical Security Systems"
- scan network for all HID door controllers and show responses
USAGE: ./scan.rb
- scan network for all HID door controllers and unlock them
- should work on all EVO-based HID controllers vuln to command injection bug
- there's a bit of a cheat in my demo exploit where the values of QUERY_STRING are prepopulated for my setup. it should be possible to use diagnostics_status.cgi to pull actual values for these fields
USAGE: ./alohomora.rb
- repair the damage done by alohomora.rb
- should work on all EVO-based HID controllers vuln to command injection bug
- there's a bit of a cheat in my demo exploit where the values of QUERY_STRING are prepopulated for my setup. it should be possible to use diagnostics_status.cgi to pull actual values for these fields
USAGE: ./mischief_managed.rb
- replace video feed of ubiquiti aircam with 'static' to make it seem like the feed was 'cut'
- relies on mitmproxy/mitmdump running in as a proxy that you can tunnel/force camera traffic through
USAGE: mitmdump -q --script './ ./static/'
- loop X number of seconds of a ubiquiti aircam video stream
- relies on mitmproxy/mitmdump running in as a proxy that you can tunnel/force camera traffic through
USAGE: mitmdump -q --script './ [number of seconds to loop]'
- replace faces detected in ubiquiti aircam video stream with 'laughing man' animation from Ghost in the Shell
- relies on mitmproxy/mitmdump running in as a proxy that you can tunnel/force camera traffic through
- also requires python opencv for face detection
USAGE: mitmdump -q --script './ ./laughing_man/ /path/to/haarcascade.xml'