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Arie Roos edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 4 revisions


Scheduled Tasks

In many systems there are some things that must happen on a schedule. Let's say you want to poll an external API every 5 minutes for important data. If your poll failed for some reason, it would be better if you knew.

Here is an example of some JavaScript that does exactly that:

const axios = require('axios')
const heartbeatsh = require('heartbeat-sh')

const heartbeats = new heartbeatsh({subdomain: "example"})
const timeoutLength = 60 * 5 // seconds

setInterval(() => {
        method: 'get',
        url: '',
    }).then(r => {
            heartbeats.SendHeartbeat("api-request", timeoutLength + 1, timeoutLength * 3)
}, timeoutLength * 1000)

This script hits the Avatar sample API every five minutes and prints out the result. In order to make sure it succeeded, we also send a heartbeat named api-request to The heartbeat will go into warning state if we missed one poll to the external API, but if we missed the poll three times in a row, it will go into error state.

Daily Checks

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