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Simplify throwing errors, write cleaner code, make testing a breeze. Plus, its fun to use: thrower.r()... get it? Throw Err. That's right. It's useful and it fun.


We feel errors have turned into more of a pain than a tool, and we want to fix that. Normally we write custom errors and then forget about them, or we wait for an indecipherable stack trace. The idea is: Find the error that best fits the condition you'd like to prevent and throw it when you meet the condition. Use and reuse errors.


npm install thrower --save


Error Definitions

Pick the error code that best matches the error you would like to throw. For example:

thrower.r(error : string, message? : string)

const thrower = require('thrower');
insertName(name) {
    if(name.length > 5) thrower.r('FIELD_TOO_LONG')

insertName('Star Lord')
 * throws => 
 * { 
 *    error : 'FIELD_TOO_LONG, 
 *    description : 'Field max character limit exceeded.', 
 *    details : 'at insertName(/home/example/index.js:3:10)'
 * }
 * /


const thrower = require('thrower');
insertName(name) {
   if(name.length > MAX_FIELD_LENGTH) 
       thrower.r('FIELD_TOO_LONG', `Name must be less than ${MAX_FILED_LENGTH} chars.`)

insertName('Star Lord')
* throws => 
* { 
*    error : 'FIELD_TOO_LONG, 
*    description' : 'Field max character limit exceeded.', 
*    details : 'at insertName(/home/example/index.js:5:10)', 
*    message : 'Name must be less than 5 chars.'
* }
* /

thrower.get(error : string)

You don't have to throw our errors, you can use our description and throw your own. For example:

const thrower = require('thrower');

let description = thrower.get('FIELD_MISSING')
// description => 'A required field is missing.'


Tell us how we can do better!

We love our community. We are not perfect and we don't aim to be, but we do aim to provide a tool our community loves. Feel free to open an issue to suggest new codes and definitions or methods.