This is my first development project of scale which I coded during my junior year of high school. The code for this project is very ugly and does not represent my current coding abilities. However, I still regard this project as one of my greatest accomplishments of high school. Having no formal education in coding I would like to thank a lot of the resources I used along the way: TheNewBoston, Ray Wenderlich, and Harvard CS50.
I removed this project from the App Store once Parse was shutdown in January of 2017. However, I plan on launching a completely revamped version of the app by May 8th 2018. I do not expect this project to ever become too popular however I love applying a lot of this skills I am learning in school to larger scale projects. I started off rewriting the app using the open source ParseServer however I am currently taking a class on JavaScript so I decided to write my own backend using node. I am also applying a lot of the techniques I learned from a class I took my first semester fresman year in functional programming. I also much better grasp of MVC thanks to Stanford’s 193p class.