2015-11-29 florian.drawitsch@brain.mpg.de
- Use the matlab script "writeTileHierarchyToFlat.m" to copy your image data into a single folder (not elegant, feel free do develop a better solution which doesnt create such an overhead)
- Use the fiji macro stitchSequenceOfGrids2.ijm (which iterates over the plugin Grid/Collection stitching) to stitch all of your planes.
- Manually parse your planes for debris and write down the slice ids
- Use the matlab script replaceDebrisSlices.m to replace debris slices with the preceding slices
- Use normalizeTifSeries.m to normalize your images (shifts histogram center followed by filling up dynamic range)
- Use the matlab script padTifSeriesSymmetrically.m to make your slice uniform in size as well as to create some room for shifts during z alginment
- Use the fiji plugin Registration/Register virtual stack slices. Check the "save transforms" options in case you need the parameters later
- Use the matlab script removeExcessPadding to remove unneeded padding surrounding your aligned slices.
- Write out the cubes using the KNOSSOSmaker_gaussfilter package. Make sure you use at least 2d filtering for mag generation to prevent aliasing (width = 3, sigma = 0.5 works fine for 2d filtering)