Connector for RxJava bridging HTTP endpoint with RxJava events.
In order to start using Vert.x Pipes add the following dependency to your Maven project:
This is how you can start embedded Vert.x-based HTTP server and consume incoming requests:
HttpSourceFactory httpSourceFactory = new HttpSourceFactory(vertx);"/foo").build().subscribe(event ->
System.out.println("POSTed JSON: " + event.payload())
If you would like to send a response back to the client, you need to obtain a response callback from the incoming request event:
import com.github.hekonsek.rxjava.connector.http.HttpSourceFactory;
import static com.github.hekonsek.rxjava.event.Headers.requiredReplyHandler;
HttpSourceFactory httpSourceFactory = new HttpSourceFactory(vertx);"/foo").build().subscribe(event ->
requiredReplyHandler(event).reply(ImmutableMap.of("hello", ""world));
By default response objects are automatically converted to JSON.
This project is distributed under Apache 2.0 license.