This repository contains code examples for some of the examples contained in various presentations I've given. Rather than publishing static code snippets or individual Gists, this will allow the code to continue on as a collected reference on tailoring the WordPress admin with a clear history of changes and a familiar collaboration model. Together with some videos, slide decks, and (currently in-progress) blog post, I hope that this will serve as a helpful resource for all those interested.
Each example will be in its own folder; if something needs a subfolder, it probably has grown beyond being an example. Each example file will contain an opening comment with a description and URLs of relevant slides, images, and/or other links.
Some files will contain a class that is not a true object but rather a container/namespace. These classes will be instantiated into a global for ease of unhooking; if you would rather these be prefixed global functions or the class be a singleton, or you're really into anonymous functions, you are welcome to modify the code to fit your needs.
These examples are created with the goal of jump-starting developers in considering and creating tailored admin experiences. I am personally unable to provide direct help with implementation.
Pull requests for correction of errata and additional improvements happily encouraged.