Streamlined functions for species distribution modelling in the seeg research group.
This package contains (or at least will contain) a set of streamlined functions to fit species distribution models. The current focus is on the ensemble BRT approaches used in the recent Bhatt et al. dengue paper
To install the package from gihub you first need to install and load Hadley Wickham's devtools package, like this:
currently depends on version 2.1-0.4 or later of the gbm
R package.
This version isn't on CRAN yet, so you'll need to install it from github first.
Now we can use install_github
to install seegSDM
and load the package and you're ready to go
You can report bugs, issues and suggestions for extra functions using the issues button on the right hand side of this page.
There is the beginnings of a tutorial/example workflow for the package here