is a collection of utility macros around match
WIP, the scoring has to be verified.
; let-match lets you do a match bind
(let-match [(Maybe.Just x) (Array.nth &[@"hi"] 0)]
(println* x)) ; => "hi"
; defn-match allows you to write pattern-matching functions
; dispatch is optimized, but i don’t know how robustly
(deftype Num
(I [Int])
(D [Double]))
(use Num)
(MatchUtils.defn-match add-num
[(I x) (I y)] (I (+ x y))
[(D x) (D y)] (D (+ x y))
[(D x) (I y)] (D (+ x (from-int y)))
[(I x) (D y)] (D (+ (from-int x) y)))
Have fun!