plusone is a simple function that will return the increment of a value. What makes it special? It will increment undefined to be 1 (null already increments to 1 just fine).
Why would you need that? Because of this:
var obj = {
bar: 'foo'
// this results in undefined + 1 === NaN = + 1;
// this doesn't work right if is a truthy string = ? + 1 : 1;
// this works as expected, but is long and not that readable
obj.baz = typeof obj.baz !== 'undefined' ? obj.baz + 1 : 1;
// this works as we expect, and reads pretty nicely, see? :)
obj.count = plusone( obj.count );
npm install plusone --save
var plusone = require( 'plusone' );
var i = 0;
i = plusone( i );
var obj = {};
obj.count = plusone( obj.count );
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