A Proclub open recruitment OPTIONAL take home task.
Here is your long week take home task. Please follow the instructions below. You may read a great Git quick guide on search engine with "git guide" keywords.
Why you need to do this task?
That's because you should showing off your programming skill to us. "Paper" such as CV and resume are sometimes useless. We are human being which often made a mistakes. We are afraid to miss you because of your sucks "paper" or something like that.
Why you don't need to do this task?
Well, this is an optional task. It's up to you.
Why we made this?
It's simple. We want to see your awesome code. That's all.
Creates a git repository on any software development platform such as GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.
Creates a README.md
file and explain your project.
The project is up to you. You may creates something like web scrapper,
static analysis, handmade blog, or even a simple your course homework.
- helloproclub/k2d2-telegram-bot: A bot project.
- wisn/hanum: A static analysis project.
- wisn/bankir: A final course task.
- bekicot/gsoc-prep-tasks: A for fun project.
- kinto-d/machine-learning-exercise: A course exercise.
- and so on
"Upload" (it's a push actually) your project to your git repository.
Tell us by submitting an issue about your repository (URL) on this repository or edit this README then send a pull request. We will add your awesome project to this repository list!
Here is the repository list ordered by submitted issue.
- Bombardirgh/simple-shopping-app
- Bombardirgh/actor-film-relation-modelling
- badrus123/Portfolio
- badrus123/Tubes
- BlinfoldKing/BlinfoldKing.github.io
- BlinfoldKing/SupercloneProject
- metron0me/actor-film-management
- zombozo12/SimpleCleanLogin
- zombozo12/EvilBot
- vayupranaditya/telmed
- vayupranaditya/makandisini
- vayupranaditya/brocode-presence
- bhrdn/BeasiswaAPP
- mfaridzia/ActivityNotes
- mfaridzia/catappus-app
- adzkarfauzie/CMS-sederhana
- ahsanatha/Tentsu-Bot
- jeremylombogia/senbi
- Seu7a/Perpustakaan-app
- Seu7a/DanaPinjamUsaha-app
- serabiasin/simple_backup_linux
- thelokot01/IPCalculate
- Muammarbanana/AgeCounter1
- naufalrzld/MySchedule
- mariefismi02/TUBES-Program-Rekomendasi-Jurusan
- guptasanjaya/DataBerobat
Algorithm and data structure is an important part of computer science. If you have a better understanding that means you will be able to create an efficient program.
First, you need to create an account on an online judge like HackerRank, Kattis, SPOJ, etc. We will use HackerRank.
Solve any challenges that mentioned below.
Show us that you are serious by solving more challenges. Don't use online solution. We will know right away if you are doing so.
Solve this problem Download.
Have you done? If you are interested to solve another challenge, take a look on this challenge.
When you're done or there is something you want to ask, feel free to visit our beloved HQ at E Building of Informatics Faculty. If you are too shy to do that you may drop an email and upload your solution (code). Don't forget to archiving them with ZIP format. We won't accept any format beside ZIP. Mention your name and your NIM.
You're freely to visit us and ask everything. The deadline of this task is November 3rd, 2017. Please note that this task is optional. It's a good thing if you're doing this task.