We developed a method for predicting the absence of heterozygosity using LP GS data, which overcomes the sparse nature of typical LP GS by combing population-based haplotype information, adjustable sliding windows, and RNN.
Data and results described in the manuscript can be found here:
A tutorial and description of the software can be found here:
docker build Dockerfile -t ldwgs:v1
docker run -it --rm -v /home/phoenix/data/:/data ldwgs:v1
docker run -v /LP_WGS_hunter:/LP_WGS_hunter -v your_input_dir:/input_dir -v your_output_dir:/output_dir --rm -e PYTHONPATH=/LP_WGS_hunter ldwgs:v1 python3 -m LP_WGS_hunter --help
- bwa
- samtools
pip install -r requirements.txt
The following files need to be stored in the LP_WGS_hunter/data directory
Feature Extraction Reference LD-PGTA
╰─$ ll data
total 29M
-rw-rw-r-- 1 phoenix phoenix 2.3M 4月 27 09:43 BGRU.model.125_at.h5
-rw-rw-r-- 1 phoenix phoenix 997K 4月 27 09:43 BGRU.model.50_at.h5
drwxrwxr-x 2 phoenix phoenix 4.0K 2月 7 2023 MODELS
drwxrwxr-x 4 phoenix phoenix 4.0K 10月 10 09:55 ref_panel
drwxrwxr-x 4 phoenix phoenix 4.0K 10月 10 09:54 ref_path
├── hg19
│ ├── hg19.fa
│ ├── hg19.fa.amb
│ ├── hg19.fa.ann
│ ├── hg19.fa.bwt
│ ├── hg19.fa.fai
│ ├── hg19.fa.pac
│ └── hg19.fa.sa
└── hg38
├── hg38bwaidx.amb
├── hg38bwaidx.ann
├── hg38bwaidx.bwt
├── hg38bwaidx.pac
├── hg38bwaidx.sa
├── hg38.fa
└── hg38.fa.fai
Feature extraction process
╰─$ python -m LP_WGS_hunter run --help Usage: python -m LP_WGS_hunter run [OPTIONS] [INPUT_PATH] [OUTPUT_PATH] Arguments: [INPUT_PATH] the absolute path to the input file [OUTPUT_PATH] The absolute path to the output folder Options: --input-class TEXT The type of input file is a folder or a single file (one or mult). [default: one] --file-class TEXT Type of input file fq file or bam file (fq or bam) [default: fq] --ref TEXT Genome version number [default: hg19] --debug / --no-debug Output debugging information [default: no- debug] --np INTEGER Number of CPU cores used [default: 32] --sample-id TEXT Output sample result file name, fq/bam file name is not specified (single file analysis mode only applies) --include-x / --no-include-x Whether to output X chromosome information [default: no-include-x] --help Show this message and exit.
LOH analysis
╰─$ python -m LP_WGS_hunter rnn-pre-loh --help Usage: python -m LP_WGS_hunter rnn-pre-loh [OPTIONS] [INPUT_PKL] [OUTPUT_DIR] Arguments: [INPUT_PKL] pkl result file [OUTPUT_DIR] output directory Options: --thread-num INTEGER Number of CPU cores used [default: 22] --interval INTEGER The interval size of the merge area [default: 2100000] --length INTEGER Filter the area length of the LOH [default: 3500000] --deepth / --no-deepth The depth is greater than 0.5X,used to select a different model, the default is 125KB model [default: deepth] --include-x / --no-include-x Whether to output X chromosome information [default: no-include-x] --help Show this message and exit.