Methods and data strrctures to connect autonomous vehicles to helyOS.
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The helyos-agent-sdk python package encloses methods and data structures definitions that facilitate the connection to helyOS core via RabbitMQ.
- RabbitMQ client for communication with helyOS core.
- Support for both AMQP and MQTT protocols.
- Definition of agent and assignment status.
- Easy access to helyOS assignments and instant actions through callbacks.
- SSL support and application-level security with RSA signature.
- Automatic reconnection to handle connection disruptions.
pip install helyos_agent_sdk
from helyos_agent_sdk import HelyOSClient, AgentConnector
# Connect via AMQP
helyOS_client = HelyOSClient(rabbitmq_host, rabbitmq_port, uuid=AGENT_UID)
# Or connect via MQTT
# helyOS_client = HelyOSMQTTClient(rabbitmq_host, rabbitmq_port, uuid=AGENT_UID)
helyOS_client.connnect(username, password)
# Check in yard
initial_agent_data = {'name': "vehicle name", 'pose': {'x':-30167, 'y':-5415, 'orientations':[0, 0]}, 'geometry':{"my_custom_format": {}}}
helyOS_client.perform_checkin(yard_uid='1', agent_data=initial_agent_data, status="free")
helyOS_client.get_checkin_result() # yard data
# Communication
agent_connector = AgentConnector(helyOS_client)
agent_connector.publish_sensors(x=-30167, y=3000, z=0, orientations=[1500, 0], sensor= {"my_custom_format": {}})
# ... #
agent_connector.publish_state(status, resources, assignment_status)
# ... #
agent_connector.consume_instant_action_messages(my_reserve_callback, my_release_callback, my_cancel_assignm_callback, any_other_callback)
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