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RPG MAKER VX ACE Extended Database

This script will give the vx ace extended external database support.

So it will come with:
  • Basic CRUD
  • Tables with Auto-Increement
  • Advanced search with ==,<=,>=,<,>,!=,*=(is_included?)
  • Sort ASC, DESC
  • Multiple databases
  • ini parser


# getting version

# Create a table
# ---------------------
# First param = tablename
# Second param = table columns
# Third param = primary key have auto increement?
DB.create_table "persons",["id:primary","last_name","first_name","age"],true

# Clear a table
# ---------------------
DB.drop_table "persons"

# Insert a row into a table
# ---------------------
# First param = tablename
# Second param = row content (primary key should have just an empty string)
DB.insert "persons",["","Weiler","Hendrik"]

# Select some rows
# ---------------------
# First param = tablename
# Second param = whether row primary id, hash or "all"
# Third param = optional, you do "column asc" or "column desc" 
# ---------------------
# will return an array of elements
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "Weiler"}
# will return the specific element
DB.find "persons", 2
# select multiple ids and returns an array of elements
DB.find "persons", [2,3,6]
# will return an array of elements
DB.find "persons", "all"
# will return an array of elements in descending order
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "Weiler"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => ">=20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => ">20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => "<=20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => "<20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "!=Weiler"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "*=ler"},"last_name desc"

# Editing rows
# ---------------------
myrow = DB.find "persons", 2
myrow.last_name = "Power"
myrow.first_name = "Max"
# use the save method to edit the row
# use the delete method to delete the row

# Set global variables in rpg maker
myrow = DB.find "persons", 2
# first param : var number, second param: value
DB.set_var 0, myrow.last_name
# Set all column values into global variables in rpg maker
myrow = DB.find "persons", 2
# first param : starting point, second param: result obj
DB.set_var_row 0, myrow
# now variable 0,1,2 are filled with the row values

# using configs class ini parser 
value = DB.get_config "groupname.variable"
value2 = DB.get_config "variable"
# setting configs a new
DB.set_config "variable","some value"

Using multiple databases

# create a database
DB.create_database "some_database_name"

# select that database
DB.set_config "database.selected_db","some_database_name"

# interact with database directly
DB.find "database.table","all"
DB.insert "database.table",["a","b"]
DB.create_table "database.table",[..some colnames..]
DB.table_exists? "database.table"
# ...and so on

Now everything will be will be executed in "some_database_name" database.


If you want to test the script use the terminal.rb file inside the test directory. The requirement is that you have to have ruby installed.


Adding simple database support to rpg maker vx ace







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