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Sonospy is a UPnP control point and Windows Media proxy for the Sonos multi-room audio system.


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Developed using Wingware Python IDE -
Python Control Point is a UPnP control point for audio files and streams.

It is built on top of the BRisa UPnP framework, with extensions added
for Sonos ZonePlayers and the content they can serve/render.

It can be run in proxy only mode (no GUI).

Dependencies in this order (links correct at time of writing):
You will need to download the following dependencies. Installation instructions for them
for your platform can be found on the link pages.

Python 2.6 or later (but not 3.0 and up)
    Linux: from your distro or get the source tarball from
    Mac: - select the Mac installer
    Windows: - select the windows installer
        (for Windows, remember to set the path environment variable so it can find Python)
To play files locally on the machine running pycpoint:
    gstreamer 0.10+ -
    gmediarender-0.0.6 -

To transcode file types on-the-fly that Sonos doesn't support
    lame (for converting mp2 to mp3)
    sox (for downsampling FLAC)
    parec (to send PC output to ZP)

Packages bundled with sonospy:
The following packages are bundled with sonospy (no need to download/install):

    cherrypy WSGI server 3.1.2
        (All platforms:

    python-brisa Framework 0.10.0
    python-brisa Qt Reactor 0.10.0
        (All platforms:

web2py (only needed if running the control point with a GUI (rather than just as a proxy server)):
    web2py 1.76.3+
        (All platforms:

Installation of pycpoint:
Untar the source into your directory of choice. The source contains changes to the BRisa framework,
which is bundled with it.

The following ports need to be open in the firewall on the machine you are running sonospy on. 
Most are standard UPnP/WMP ports, with additional ones for the BRisa framework, the proxy and 
IR control.

Note that you may need to open ports specific to other UPnP media servers too (if you are using

    1900            UDP
    2149            UDP     (current M-SEARCH send port so WMP is picked up)
    2869            TCP
    10243           TCP
    10244-+n        TCP     (proxy internal WMP server, inc for multiple, can be changed in ini)
    10280-10284     UDP
    50101-50102     TCP     (control point and proxy, can be changed in ini)
    65432           UDP     (if using IR control, can be changed in ini)
To start the UPnP controlpoint and the web server, run:

    For linux:
    For Windows:
from the directory you installed the source into. This will start the control point and
web server in the background. Output from the control point will be written to pycpoint.log
in the base directory, output from the web server to web2py.log.

To connect to the web server, open a web browser and enter the following URL:

    http://<IP ADDRESS>:8000/sonospy/default/index
replacing <IP ADDRESS> with the IP address of the machine running the web server. If you are
running the web browser on the same machine as the web server you can use localhost as the ip

In the browser you should see a GUI that allows selection and browsing of UPnP servers on the 
local network and selection of UPnP renderers on the same network to play content on.

The browser can also be started in mobile mode with a screen sized for use on mobile devices.

To start in mobile mode run:

    http://<IP ADDRESS>:8000/sonospy/default/index?M=P

    http://<IP ADDRESS>:8000/sonospy/default/index?M=L
where P starts in portrait orientation and L starts in landscape orientation.

---- add more detail of mobile mode -------
---- describe how to run on a mobile device

To start the UPnP controlpoint as a proxy only, run:

    For linux:

        ./sonospy_proxy <parameters>
    For Windows:
        -- todo --
        -- for now use the following --
        cd sonospy
        pythonw -p <parameters>
from the directory you installed the source into.

Parameters can include:

    -wSonospy=<name>,<database>[,<ini>]   implements an internal WMP server on port 10243 (note
                                          that won't work if WMP is using that port on that machine). 
                                          Multiple -wSonospy options can be used. Note that you need 
                                          to generate the database beforehand for this option to work
                                          (see "Internal WMP Database" below for further information)

    -- todo --

Example parameters:

    -wSonospy=Music,sonos.sqlite    implements the internal WMP server, serving content described in
                                    sonos.sqlite via a media server named Music (will show up on the
                                    CR100/CR200/iTouch etc)

    -wSonospy=Music,sonos.sqlite,index.ini    implements the internal WMP server, serving content described in
                                              sonos.sqlite via a media server named Music, with index settings
                                              read from index.ini

Example calls:
    For linux:

        ./sonospy_proxy -wSonospy=Music,sonos.sqlite

        ./sonospy_proxy -wSonospy=Peter,peter.sqlite,peter.ini -wSonospy=Leanne,leanne.sqlite,leanne.ini
    For Windows:
        -- todo --
        -- for now use the following --
        cd sonospy
        pythonw -p -wSonospy=Music,sonos.sqlite

You can also use the parameters above with the web browser, so for example to start the control 
point with a local mediaserver proxied and available to both the web browser and Sonos controllers run:

    For linux:
        ./sonospy_web -wSonospy=Music,sonos.sqlite
    For Windows:
        -- todo --
        -- for now use the following --
        cd sonospy
        pythonw -p -wSonospy=Music,sonos.sqlite
        cd ..
        pythonw web2py/ -L

When running as a proxy only you will need a separate control point (e.g. the Sonos controller)
to select and play tracks.

To stop the UPnP controlpoint and the web server (if running), run:

    For linux:
    For Windows:
        -- todo --
        -- for now use the following --

        stop pythonw processes in task manager

This will stop the background processes.

Further command line options are available for pycpoint as below - you'll need to edit the script files
or create your own command lines to use them:

    -d                enables debug output (this will be verbose and slow down searching etc)
    -m<module>        enables debug output for <module>
Note that you will have to initially run brisa-conf to set the error level to debug to see debug output.
From the sonospy/sonospy directory run:

    For linux:
        brisa-conf -s brisa -p logging DEBUG
    For windows:
        python brisa-conf -s brisa -p logging DEBUG
There's a script in the tarball that you can edit and run if you manage to mess up the 
brisa section in the config (for Windows use setconf.cmd).

Internal WMP Database
Sonospy implements an internal WMP clone for serving content. The clone browses an sqlite database
containing tag data, and presents that to Sonos controllers. You need to create the database by 
scanning you music files, then re-scan when changes have been made (tracks added or deleted, tags
changed etc). A utility is provided to create and maintain databases. Scan reads all music files
in a set of directories and extracts their tag data (this is stored in a database). This database
is presented to Sonos controllers for browsing.

Scan supports multiple entry tags (so you can tag with multiple genres for instance). Multiple 
entries in a tag are separated with a semi-colon (;). Scan also supports multiple tags of the
same name. Scan supports duplicate files in different directories (so you can have the same track in
more than one place and each will be displayed on the Sonos controller (suffixed with a number).

To scan you music library for metadata tags, navigate to the sonospy/sonospy directory and run:

    For linux:
        ./scan -d <database> <path-to-files>
    For windows:
        python scan -d <database> <path-to-files>

Note that on Windows any backslashes in the <path-to-files> have to be duplicated, and any spaces
preceded by a backslash, e.g.

    \\NAS\music\some music folder
needs to be:

    \\\\NAS\\music\\some\ music\ folder
Scan supports -q for quiet and -v for verbose output.

An example command to create a database named 'sonos.db' (in the sonospy/sonospy directory),
reading music files from /mnt/nas (\\NAS\music on windows) is:

    For linux:
        ./scan -d sonos.db /mnt/nas

    For windows:
        python scan -d sonos.db \\\\NAS\\music

It is possible to affect the default behaviour of scan by amending parameters in the scan.ini

To change the way "The" is handled in artist names while browsing (note the full artist name
will be displayed when playing), change the setting of the "the_processing" parameter. Options

    before      leave "The" before the band name
    after       move "The" after the band name
    remove      (default) remove "The" from the band name

---- add more detail of scan.ini values ----

The initial run of scan will create your database. Subsequent runs to update the same database use exactly 
the same command. The initial scan run will read all files, subsequent runs will only read files 
that are new/deleted or have changed. You can also run subsequent runs in higher level directories 
(for instance if you have just ripped a CD or changes an album's tags) - this will only scan/affect
a subset of the full library (e.g. /mnt/nas/Linkin Park/Meteora

The -wSonospy parameter to serve the files scanned above is:

where <name> is the name you want the music library to be displayed under on the Sonos controllers.

There are several ini file settings (in sonospy/sonospy/pycpoint.ini) that influence how the clone
displays things on browsing (these are in the [INI] section of that file):

    use_albumartist=Y   (or N)      works like the Sonos "use albumartist"
    show_duplicates=Y   (or N)      instructs the clone whether or not to show duplicate tracks/albums
    album_identification=album,artist   (or album) instructs the clone how to group albums of the same
                                        name. "album/artist" displays separate albums per artist, whereas
                                        "album" groups artists under one album 

---- add more detail of pycpoint.ini values ----

The clone also supports transcoding. If you attempt to play an mp2 file, the clone will transcode it 
on-the-fly to mp3 and serve it as mp3 to Sonos. If you attempt to play a FLAC file that is >16 bit or
>48k sample rate, the clone will transcode it on-the-fly and serve is as 16/48 to Sonos. If you attempt
tp play a 6 channel FLAC file, the clone will transcode it to 2 channel.

The clone also supports streaming of PC sound to Sonos. If you create a file <name>.pc in one of the
folders in your music library, when you select to play it on Sonos the clone will stream whatever is
playing on the PC soundcard to the Sonos (there will be a slight delay so the sound will be out of sync
with the PC). If you put music tags in the .pc file, the clone will display those to Sonos when browsing
(so for instance you can copy an mp3 file, change the tags to "PC soundcard" and rename the file to
sound.pc - this file will show up as a track called "PC soundcard").

Transcoding and streaming PC sound require you to have lame (for mp2), sox (for FLAC) and parec (for PC
sound) installed and available on the command path.

Browser notes:
Currently the web browser has some experimental views (Gallery and Flow). In order to utilise those views
you need to bear the following in mind:

*) To populate the cache of album entries for Gallery and Flow views, you need to select a server and
   browse albums on it.
*) To populate the cache of album art, after populating the cache of album entries you need to select
   Cache Images.
*) To be able to select tracks from the albums displayed in the Gallery and Flow views, you need to 
   select the server containing those albums before entering the view.

Login/register/lost password are not yet implemented.

.ini file
The control point can be configured via its ini file (pycpoint.ini), held in the sonospy directory within 
the directory that you installed the source code. There are example settings within the ini file.

To add UPnP to WMP server mappings in the pycpoint.ini file, you need to:

---- add more detail about mappings ----

1) Add <inistring>=<type> to the [WMP Translators] section (<inistring> can be any string, but make sure to
specify that same string on the command line). <type> is the type of translation to use. Supported types are:
    Through - Sonos WMP searches are passed through unadjusted to the proxied server
              (will only work with fully WMP compliant servers - these will show up
              on the Sonos controller anyway so it is only useful for testing)
    Translate - WMP containers are translated to those specified for the UPnP server
                (only 3 containers are actually used by Sonos for WMP)
    Cache - WMP containers are translated, plus UPnP server returns are cached for
            further WMP searches to translate into UPnP server searches
    Browse - Sonos WMP searches are translated into UPnP server browses - NOTE, NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED    
2) Add sections to the ini for:
    [<inistring> Containers]
    [<inistring> Container Mapping]
    [<inistring> Attribute Mapping]
3) Add entries in those sections as follows:
    Containers        - the container ids that the UPnP server uses for the containers it supports 
    Container Mapping - a mapping of the UPnP server containers to WMP ones. Where a WMP container is
                        not supported, add an entry with nothing after the equals - that way the proxy
                        returns nothing found and the CR100 will display a suitable message.
    Attribute Mapping - a mapping of the MS attributes used in searches to ones supported by the UPnP

To add IR over IP mappings for amplifier volume control in the pycpoint.ini file, you need to:

---- add more detail about IR ----

1) Add an [IP Volume] section.
2) Add file mappings for volume up, down, mute and unmute for the friendly name(s) of the ZP(s) you wish
to control. Entries are:
            <friendlyname> is the name of the zone you wish to control
            <volumechangetype> is one of
                Volume Up
                Volume Down
                Volume Mute
                Volume UnMute
            <UDPdatafile> is the path to a file containing the data to send to the IR transmitter
            <IRreceiverIPaddress> is the IP address of the IR transmitter
            <IRreceiverport> is the port number the IR transmitter is listening on

You can also set some controller/proxy settings in the ini file in the [ini] section:

    To set the port that the controlpoint runs on, set controlpoint_port
    To set the port that the proxy runs on, set proxy_port
    To set the port that WMP proxy runs on, set wmp_proxy_port
    To set the udn of the internal WMP server, set internal_proxy_udn

New features in 0.7
*) Music served from Sonos can now be rendered locally via BRisa renderer.
*) Context sensitive right click.
*) Control point can run as proxy only without a GUI.
*) Support for sending IR commands over IP added.
*) Support for Napster.
*) Album and artist details added to media list display.
*) Free text search added.
*) GTK GUI removed and replaced with browser version.
*) Gallery mode added to select albums/tracks via static art.
*) Flow mode added to select albums/tracks via scrolling art.
*) Added support for FooBar2000 to play locally on Windows
*) Internal WMP server added

Bugs fixed
*) Out of sequence NOTIFY messages causing now playing to be out of date.
*) Issue with M-SEARCH where creating proxy created new udp listener and overrode control point 
udp listener.
*) Dummy threads from M-SEARCH loop causing threads to be exhausted.
*) WMP not being picked up via M-SEARCH.
*) Fixed bug where single click on track or queue item didn't play item

Known bugs/features:
This is beta software, it may crash and may wipe you Sonos queue (so make sure you save it first).
*) Only Napster currently supported as a third party music service. Other music services will be 
displayed on browsing a ZP but they can't be accessed.
*) There is currently no persistence for browse - all browses use HTTP calls to get music data from the 
server they are querying. Calls are chunked to avoid flooding the network/server.
*) UPnP servers served on the localhost address are not queried correctly.
*) Album track listings on the reverse of album covers in Flow view do not work in IE.
*) When rendering locally on gmediarender, you need to connect to the music source first if it is
remote (e.g. if music is stored on a NAS, connect to the NAS on the PC before rendering).
*) Browser on iPAQ does not obey mobile resizing with ?M=P.
*) Global Search is not yet implemented.

Known installation issues on Linux:
*) When unzipping the software it's possible that the sonospy/web2py/applications/sonospy/static/art
directory won't get write permissions set, causing caching of album art to fail. You need to make 
sure the user you are running under can write to that directory.

Known installation issues on Windows:
*) Unzipping files with some unzippers creates the wrong directory names so the command files fail. 
pkunzip is known to work.
*) If an earlier version of Python is already installed and in the path before Python2.6, that version
of Python will be utilised instead instead of version 2.6. You need to change your path environment

Known installation issues on FreeNAS:
*) By default the BRisa framework listens on eth0, whereas the FreeNAS interface is vr0. For running
on FreeNAS you must change the interface by editing and running

When rescanning, the content directory update ID will be reset to 1. As that will be lower than the
one held in a controller if the controller or the proxy hasn't been restarted, you should restart
the controller or proxy to make changes to the database visible.


Sonospy is a UPnP control point and Windows Media proxy for the Sonos multi-room audio system.







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