The zbroker project is a container for arbitrary ZeroMQ-based messaging services. The current list of messaging services is:
- ZPIPES - reliable, distributed named pipes
To build zbroker:
git clone git://
for project in libzmq czmq zyre zbroker; do
git clone git://$project.git
for project in libsodium libzmq czmq zyre zbroker; do
cd $project
./configure && make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..
To run zbroker:
zbroker [broker-name]
Where 'broker-name' is a string that is unique on any given host. The default broker name is 'local'. To end the broker, send a TERM or INT signal (Ctrl-C).
The following ABNF grammar defines the ZPIPES protocol:
ZPIPES = reader | writer
reader = input-command *( read-command | ping-command )
input-command = c:input ( s:input-ok | s:input-failed )
read-command = c:read ( s:read-ok | s:read-end
| s:read-timeout | s:read-failed )
close-command = c:close ( s:close-ok | s:close-failed )
writer = output-command *write-command close-command
output-command = c:output ( s:output-ok | s:output-failed )
write-command = c:write ( s:write-ok
| s:write-timeout | s:write-failed )
ping-command = c:ping s:ping-ok
; Create a new pipe for reading
input = signature %d1 pipename
signature = %xAA %xA0 ; two octets
pipename = string ; Name of pipe
; Input request was successful
input_ok = signature %d2
; Input request failed
input_failed = signature %d3 reason
reason = string ; Reason for failure
; Create a new pipe for writing
output = signature %d4 pipename
pipename = string ; Name of pipe
; Output request was successful
output_ok = signature %d5
; Output request failed
output_failed = signature %d6 reason
reason = string ; Reason for failure
; Read a chunk of data from pipe
read = signature %d7 size timeout
size = number-4 ; Number of bytes to read
timeout = number-4 ; Timeout, msecs, or zero
; Read was successful
read_ok = signature %d8 chunk
chunk = chunk ; Chunk of data
; Pipe is closed, no more data
read_end = signature %d9
; Read ended with timeout
read_timeout = signature %d10
; Read failed due to error
read_failed = signature %d11 reason
reason = string ; Reason for failure
; Write chunk of data to pipe
write = signature %d12 chunk timeout
chunk = chunk ; Chunk of data
timeout = number-4 ; Timeout, msecs, or zero
; Write was successful
write_ok = signature %d13
; Write ended with timeout
write_timeout = signature %d14
; Read failed due to error
write_failed = signature %d15 reason
reason = string ; Reason for failure
; Close pipe
close = signature %d16
; Close was successful
close_ok = signature %d17
; Close failed due to error
close_failed = signature %d18 reason
reason = string ; Reason for failure
; Signal liveness
ping = signature %d19
; Respond to ping
ping_ok = signature %d20
; Command was invalid at this time
invalid = signature %d21
; A chunk has 4-octet length + binary contents
chunk = number-4 *OCTET
; Strings are always length + text contents
string = number-1 *VCHAR
; Numbers are unsigned integers in network byte order
number-1 = 1OCTET
number-4 = 4OCTET
The zpipes_client class provides the public API.
The contributors are listed in AUTHORS. This project uses the MPL v2 license, see LICENSE.
The contribution policy is the standard ZeroMQ C4.1 process. Please read this RFC if you have never contributed to a ZeroMQ project.