This folder contains code for the Exchange Booth Solana Bootcamp milestone project. This is the Youtube series:
The project is built using the Anchor framework and Type Script.
The project allows an admin to initilize the Exchange Booth Smart Contract where someone is able to exchange two different tokens based on a set exchange rate.
Mint Creation (tooltip displayed in screenshot for easier address reading):
Account Creation with certain Mint:
Vaults for the Admin to use in the Exchange Booth (Notice PDA created for what will be exchanged):
Creation of the Exchange Booth between mints, with fee and rate:
This folder contains code for the following specifiction:
This was part of the Solana Bootcamp that can be found here:
It is written using plain rust with Borsch and a javascript runner. Not using Type Script or anchor
Sample rust examples for myself while learning the language
A smart contract written as a wrapper around mint and transfer using Type Script and anchor.
- Recover lost SOL from a deploy *
solana-keygen recover -o recover.json --force
solana program close recover.json
- Get around rate limit on devnet *
# make a new key
solana-keygen new -o localkey.json
# get public key
solana address -k localkey.json
# airdrop a bunch of SOL
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
solana airdrop 2 {public_key}
# transfer from the key just made to the address locally
solana address -k /Users/{name}/.config/solana/id.json
solana transfer --from localkey.json {public_key} 18
- Change environment*
solana config set --url devnet
solana config set --url localhost
- Deploy issue to devnet because .so target file to deploy was > 400KB: solana-labs/solana#23427
- Using PDAs:
- Github request that caused change that removed setting a bump which caused a lot of confusion for me, but it let me to a good tutorial coral-xyz/anchor#1380
- Change log of anchor since there may be breaking changes: