bitin is a comprehensive Python library designed to facilitate a wide range of digital electronics operations, from fundamental logic gate implementations to complex circuit simulations, this library provides a user-friendly syntax to handle digital logic effortlessly. With bitin, users can perform operations such as Boolean algebra, circuit analysis and simulation, enabling the creation and manipulation of digital circuits with ease.
This package comes with inbuit Universal Gates and Basic Gates.
# Initialisation
import subprocess["pip", "install", "bitin"])
import bitin
# Call Universal Gates
from bitin.universal import Universal
# Call Basic Gates
from bitin.basic import Basic
# Call Numerical base Conversion
from bitin.basesystem import Base_Translation, BaseReversal
u = Universal()
a = u.logical_nand(1,1) # 0
b = u.logical_nor(1,1) # 0
For Basic Gates, if the type of gate, gate_type
is not declared it is set as nand
by default. To select the type of gate, logical_<GATE>(input1, input2, 'nor')
or logical_<GATE>(input1, input2, 'nand')
b = Basic()
a = b.logical_and(1,1) # 1
b = b.logical_or(1,1) # 1
c = b.logical_not(1) # 0
d = b.logical_xor(1,1) # 0
e = b.logical_xnor(1,1) # 1
referes to the number of places after decimal, the output value will be calculated. This only has it's significance when the input
number is in decimal and it's conversion is needed.
Base_Translation(input, precision=10, d_type = 'decimal').to_base(base)
For addition of bits, convert them to int(decimal)
add them, then convert them to desired output.