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Hey You API

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###RESTful server api for hey you hosted on heroku

API address :

Users Routes

####Create User :

POST /api/users


{ "username": "testman",
  "password": "testpassword",
  "birthday": 1,
  "email": "" }

Returns jwt token

{ "jwt": "alkvnpefTHISdfaibISbvrawfAaweifjFAKEalskdfwaoHASHoiouaslfjakwjef" }

####Login :

GET /api/users

username: "testman", password: "testpassword"

Returns jwt token


####Retrieving all dots - TEMPORARY :

GET /v1/api/dots/all

Returns array of all dot objects

[ {     "_id": "324comment1id2348790",
        "user_id": "101testmanid010",
        "username": "testman",
        "time": 1416445071063,
        "title": "HEY SEATTLE",
        "color": "blue",
        "latitude": 47.623,
        "longitude": -122.333,
        "post": "download this app!",
        "__v": 0,
        "hidden": false,
        "stars": [] }, {...} ]

####Getting zone of dots :

GET /v1/api/dots

Headers: zone: {"latMax":50,"longMin":-125,"longMax":-120,"latMin":45}

Returns array of dots in zone

[ { _id: '546eaa0618b26cfe16365e0f',
    user_id: '546eaa0618b26cfe16365e0c',
    username: 'dotUser',
    time: 1416538630645,
    color: 'green',
    title: 'Hey you, with the coffee',
    latitude: 47.6097,
    longitude: -122.3331,
    post: 'I am in Seattle',
    __v: 0,
    views: 2,
    hidden: false,
    starred: false }, {...} ]

####Getting dot by id :

GET /v1/api/dots/dot_id

note: jwt header is optional. If set, the API will check if the user has stared the dot.

Returns single dot object of given id and comments

{ _id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bddb',
  user_id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bdd8',
  username: 'dotUser',
  time: 1416538854538,
  color: 'green',
  title: 'Hey you, with the coffee',
  latitude: 47.6097,
  longitude: -122.3331,
  post: 'I am in Seattle',
  __v: 0,
  views: 3,
  hidden: false,
  starred: false,
  stars: 0,
   [ { _id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bddd',
       timestamp: 1416538854611,
       username: 'dotUser',
       user_id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bdd8',
       dot_id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bddb',
       text: 'this is a text comment from the OP',
       __v: 0 },
     { _id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bdde',
       timestamp: 1416538854622,
       username: 'dotUser2',
       user_id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bdd9',
       dot_id: '546eaae6a45f8b021729bddb',
       text: 'this is a text comment from another user',
       __v: 0 } ] }

####Getting user's dot by id :

GET /v1/api/dots/mydots

jwt required in header

Returns array dot objects made from the user

[ { _id: '546eb21a9bd55e171793a195',
    user_id: '546eb2199bd55e171793a193',username: 'dotUser',
    time: 1416540698148,
    color: 'blue',
    title: 'Hey you, with the startup',
    latitude: 37.7833,
    longitude: -122.4167,
    post: 'I am in San Fransico',
    __v: 0,
    hidden: false,
    starred: false }, {...} ]


####Creating a dot :

POST /v1/api/dots

jwt required in header

Body (JSON):

{ "longitude": "-122.333",
  "latitude": "47.623",
  "title": "HEY SEATTLE",
  "post": "download this app!",
  "color": "blue" }

_Returns id and time

{ "dot_id": "275FAKEID1738",
  "time": 1416445071063 }

=========== ####Delete a dot :

DELETE /v1/api/dots/_id

jwt required in header

_Removes dot of id id

=========== ####Commenting on a dot :

POST /v1/api/comments/dot_id

Body(JSON): {"text": "listen to testman. he knows things."}

Returns comment message on success "listen to testman. he knows things."

####Deleting a comment :

DELETE /v1/api/comments/dot_id

jwt required in header

Returns 'removed!' message on success removed!

=========== ####Getting users dots :

GET /v1/api/dots/mydots

jwt required in header

Returns array of dots for that user

[ {     "_id": "324comment1id2348790",
        "user_id": "101testmanid010",
        "username": "testman",
        "time": 1416445071063,
        "title": "HEY SEATTLE",
        "color": "blue",
        "latitude": 47.623,
        "longitude": -122.333,
        "post": "download this app!",
        "__v": 0,
        "hidden": false,
        "stars": [] },
        "_id": "203comment2id092384",
        "user_id": "101testmanid010",
        "username": "testman",
        "time": 1416445071064,
        "title": "YO",
        "green": "green",
        "latitude": 47.312,
        "longitude": -122.373,
        "post": "this is awesome!",
        "__v": 0,
        "hidden": false,
        "stars": [] } ]

=========== ####Toggle a user's star

POST /v1/api/stars/_id

jwt required in header

Adds a star or deletes a star based on user history


No description, website, or topics provided.






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