This is just another prime numbers generator, look at primes. coded in ReasonML (idk why), hence the name prime2.
available for global command
# as global command
npm install -g prime2
# as package
npm install prime2
in bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["prime2"]
available as Prime module
Prime.isPrime: int -> boolean
Prime.primes: ~start: int ~ending: int -> array(int)
npx prime2 --check 3
prime2 --check 3 # output > true
prime2 --generate 0 10 # output > [2, 3, 5, 7]
import * as prime2 from 'prime2';
// return true if n is prime.
prime2.isPrime(n: number): boolean;
// primes
// generate list of primes starting from `start` to `ending`
prime2.primes(start: number, ending: number): number[]