This is a first attempt at improving the connections between the control device--a Raspberry Pi 4--and peripherals using the Pi's GPIO (electromagnets, fans, lights, LED matrix). It was designed to be easy to assemble using JLCPCB's assembly service. If you want to order a board through JLC's assembly service, you will need the files found in the jlcpcb/production_files
- KiCad 8 or a later version compatible with KiCad 8 projects
- To look at the JLCPCB assembly parts used, it helps to have the KiCad JLCPCB Tools plugin by Bouni
- Power has to be supplied to the Pi using its regular power cable. I had hoped to power it through the Huffboard, but the Raspberry Pi Foundation's guidelines on powering a Pi via a hat are literally sketchy, and their recommended parts don't provide enough power to keep the Pi on.
- I don't like how the relays work or the 0Ω resistors being used as configuration pins. Going to change that in the next revision.