zipupdate - Update .zip archives in-place [--match "\.xml"] --command <filter> *.zip
This program acts on one or more .zip archives. For each contained file whose name matches a given pattern, the file content is filtered by an external command and written back to the .zip archive.
- -h, --help
Print program help and exit
- -v, --verbose
Print output about every performed operation.
- -c, --command filter-command
Command line with arguments to filter files through. The command is expected to accept input on stdin and write output to stdout. The command is interpreted by a shell and may contain pipes etc.
- -m, --match regex
Optional argument: A regular expression that describes which inner files of the .zip archives to modify. It is matched against full file names and paths of the contained files. The forward slash "/" is used as directory delimiter. If not given, all files are matched.
Assume you have a number zip archives that contain a tree of XML files and you want to make systematic changes in all of them.
xmlstarlet is a command line tool to alter XML files and is well suited to add attributes, rename elements etc based on XPath expressions.
- Adding an attribute to a certain element
find . -name "*.zip" -print0 | xargs -0 \ --match "directoryname/.*\.xml" --command \ "xmlstarlet edit -P -S --insert //MatchingElement --type attr --name newattribute --value value"
- Removing an attribute from all nodes
find . -name "*.zip" -print0 | xargs -0 \ --match "\.xml" --command "xmlstarlet edit -P -S --delete //@version"
- Adding a new child element
find . -name "*.zip" -print0 | xargs -0 \ --match "\.xml" --command \ "xmlstarlet edit -P -S --subnode /RootElement/MainElement --type elem --name DetailElement --value ''"
- Converting XML files
The command is interpreted by a shell and you can use pipes:
find . -name "*.zip" -print0 | xargs -0 \ --match "\.xml" --command \ 'recode iso-8859-1..utf8 | sed -e "s/\(<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"\)iso-8859-1\(\"?>\)/\1utf-8\2/"'
XMLStarlet Command Line XML Toolkit