uses information you supply about the prior predictive
distribution to help you find a prior for the parameters in your
Bayesian model.
You can install the development version of pbbo from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Suppose the target distribution is N(0, 0.5^2)
. We define the target
LCDF and function to draws samples from the target:
target_lcdf <- function(x) {
Rmpfr::pnorm(x, mean = 2, sd = 0.5, log.p = TRUE)
target_sampler <- function(n) {
rnorm(n = n, mean = 2, sd = 0.5)
and define a the prior predictive distribution of a model (and its hyperparameters):
prior_predictive_sampler <- function(n, lambda) {
rnorm(n = n, mean = lambda["mu"], sd = lambda["sigma"])
param_set <- makeParamSet(
makeNumericParam(id = "mu", lower = -50, upper = 50),
makeNumericParam(id = "sigma", lower = 0, upper = 20)
We can then call pbbo
to get optimal values of λ = (μ, σ)
pbbo_res <- suppressWarnings(pbbo(
target_lcdf = target_lcdf,
target_sampler = target_sampler,
prior_predictive_sampler = prior_predictive_sampler,
param_set = param_set,
n_crs2_iters = 300,
n_internal_prior_draws = 5e3,
n_internal_importance_draws = 1e3,
importance_method = "uniform",
bayes_opt_batches = 1,
bayes_opt_iters_per_batch = 50,
bayes_opt_design_points_per_batch = 40
#> INFO [2023-01-30 14:11:24] Starting stage one CRS2 optimiser
#> INFO [2023-01-30 14:11:31] Starting Bayes opt batch 1
opt_lambda <- pbbo_res %>%
#> mu sigma
#> 2.001364 0.501134
We can compare the prior predictive distribution at the optima against the target:
n_plot_samples <- 5e3
plot_tbl <- tibble(
x = c(
prior_predictive_sampler(n_plot_samples, opt_lambda),
grp = rep(c("optima", "target"), each = n_plot_samples)
ggplot(plot_tbl) +
mapping = aes(x = x, colour = grp),
stat = "density"
) +
labs(colour = "Type")
Suppose now we have an under-specified problem. In these settings we require additional criteria to provide a form of regularisation.
Consider the same target as the previous example:
target_lcdf <- function(x) {
Rmpfr::pnorm(x, mean = 2, sd = 0.5, log.p = TRUE)
target_sampler <- function(n) {
rnorm(n = n, mean = 2, sd = 0.5)
Now instead consider a hierarchical model for the outcome:
hiearchical_prior_predictive_sampler <- function(n, lambda) {
indiv_mu <- rnorm(n = n, mean = lambda["pop_loc"], sd = lambda["pop_scale"])
noise_sd <- rgamma(n = n, shape = lambda["noise_shape"], rate = lambda["noise_rate"])
res <- rnorm(n = n, mean = indiv_mu, sd = noise_sd)
param_set <- makeParamSet(
makeNumericParam(id = "pop_loc", lower = -50, upper = 50),
makeNumericParam(id = "pop_scale", lower = 0 + 1e-6, upper = 20),
makeNumericParam(id = "noise_shape", lower = 2, upper = 20),
makeNumericParam(id = "noise_rate", lower = 2, upper = 20)
In this example we can attribute variability in the target to either variation in the population mean, or noise in the measurement process. Such types of models are ill-advised, we are using this one for illustration only. For reference, we naively employ the single objective approach.
pbbo_single_objective_res <- suppressWarnings(pbbo(
target_lcdf = target_lcdf,
target_sampler = target_sampler,
prior_predictive_sampler = hiearchical_prior_predictive_sampler,
param_set = param_set,
n_crs2_iters = 300,
n_internal_prior_draws = 5e3,
n_internal_importance_draws = 1e3,
importance_method = "uniform",
bayes_opt_batches = 1,
bayes_opt_iters_per_batch = 50,
bayes_opt_design_points_per_batch = 40
#> INFO [2023-01-30 14:12:07] Starting stage one CRS2 optimiser
#> INFO [2023-01-30 14:12:12] Starting Bayes opt batch 1
also accepts a secondary objective, which we set to be the
negative mean of the log marginal standard deviations for the structural
neg_mean_log_sd <- function(lambda) {
sds <- c(
sqrt(lambda["noise_shape"]) / lambda["noise_rate"]
) %>%
log() %>%
mean() %>%
pbbo_multi_objective_res <- suppressWarnings(pbbo(
target_lcdf = target_lcdf,
target_sampler = target_sampler,
prior_predictive_sampler = hiearchical_prior_predictive_sampler,
param_set = param_set,
n_crs2_iters = 300,
n_internal_prior_draws = 5e3,
n_internal_importance_draws = 1e3,
importance_method = "uniform",
bayes_opt_batches = 1,
bayes_opt_iters_per_batch = 50,
bayes_opt_design_points_per_batch = 40,
extra_objective_term = neg_mean_log_sd
#> INFO [2023-01-30 14:12:59] Starting stage one CRS2 optimiser
#> Loading required package: mco
#> Loading required package: emoa
#> Attaching package: 'emoa'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#> coalesce
#> INFO [2023-01-30 14:13:03] Starting Bayes opt batch 1
Compare the results on the observable scale:
pal_colours <- scales::hue_pal()(3)
obs_scale_plot_tbl <- tibble(
x = c(
pbbo_single_objective_res %>%
get_best_lambda() %>%
hiearchical_prior_predictive_sampler(n = n_plot_samples, lambda = .),
pbbo_multi_objective_res %>%
get_best_lambda(pbbo_kappa = 0.75) %>%
hiearchical_prior_predictive_sampler(n = n_plot_samples, lambda = .)
grp = rep(c("target", "single obj", "multi obj"), each = n_plot_samples)
ggplot(obs_scale_plot_tbl) +
mapping = aes(x = x, colour = grp),
stat = "density"
) +
labs(colour = "Type") +
values = c(
"multi obj" = pal_colours[1],
"single obj" = pal_colours[2],
"target" = pal_colours[3]
see that both methods match the supplied target, or prior predictive
distribution, equally well.
However, when we view the estimated prior for the structural parameters
hierarchical_prior_theta_sampler <- function(n, lambda) {
indiv_mu <- rnorm(n = n, mean = lambda["pop_loc"], sd = lambda["pop_scale"])
noise_sd <- rgamma(n = n, shape = lambda["noise_shape"], rate = lambda["noise_rate"])
res <- tibble(
x = c(indiv_mu, noise_sd),
param = rep(c("mu", "sigma"), each = n)
theta_scale_plot_tbl <- bind_rows(
pbbo_single_objective_res %>%
get_best_lambda() %>%
hierarchical_prior_theta_sampler(n = n_plot_samples, lambda = .) %>%
mutate(obj = "single obj"),
pbbo_multi_objective_res %>%
get_best_lambda(pbbo_kappa = 0.75) %>%
hierarchical_prior_theta_sampler(n = n_plot_samples, lambda = .) %>%
mutate(obj = "multi obj")
ggplot(theta_scale_plot_tbl) +
mapping = aes(x = x, colour = obj),
stat = "density",
na.rm = FALSE,
n = 5e4
) +
labs(colour = "Type") +
values = c(
"multi obj" = pal_colours[1],
"single obj" = pal_colours[2]
) +
facet_grid(cols = vars(param)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 4)) +
we observe that the single objective approach attributes almost all the variation in the target to the prior for the noise. Such overconfidence is unsurprising as the optimisation problem is ill-posed. The multi-objective approach estimates a more reasonable joint prior for the mean and noise parameters. The regularisation provided by our secondary objective has resulted in a more robust and appropriate estimated prior.