Weight-Tracker application is a C# and WPF-based desktop application designed to monitor and manage body weight. It offers visual representations of weight trends, helping users track their progress over time.
The Weight-Tracker application offers the following features:
Daily Weight Statistics Chart: Visualizes daily weight statistics using an interactive chart. Users can choose specific date ranges, such as week, month, year, or custom, to explore weight trends.
Info Cards: Provides essential weight-related information through three info cards:
- Today's weight and the difference compared to yesterday's weight.
- Yesterday's weight and the difference compared to the day before yesterday's weight.
- Average weight for the current month, along with the difference in kilograms from the previous month's average.
Current BMI Chart: Displays the current weight on a doughnut chart, indicating whether it falls within the normal weight, overweight, or obese weight categories.
Average Monthly Weight Bar Chart: Shows a bar chart presenting the average weight for the last 12 months. It is planned to add a button to select a custom range of dates for viewing average weight statistics.
Data Source: The application retrieves weight data from a local MS SQL Database.
Control Menu: Features a non-traditional control menu with four buttons:
- Home: Navigates to the main view dashboard.
- Add New Weight: Allows users to input and save their weight for the current day.
- Table View: (Not yet implemented and I'm not quite sure whether it is required) Provides a table view of weight data.
- Close App: Exits the Weight-Tracker application.
Duplicate Data Prevention: A checking mechanism will be implemented to prevent duplicate weight values in the database, ensuring that data for the current day is added only once.
- C# programming language
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) framework
- MS SQL Server Database
- LiveCharts library (https://v0.lvcharts.com/)
- MahApps icon packs (https://github.com/MahApps/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks)
This project is licensed under the MIT License.