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Chainer Info

What is Chainer?

Chainer is a flexible framework for neural networks. One major goal is flexibility, so it must enable us to write complex architectures simply and intuitively.

More info here

ref - Chainer Wiki

Table of Contents


Preferred Networks official

  • ChainerRL - ChainerRL is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Chainer.
  • ChainerCV - Versatile set of tools for Deep Learning based Computer Vision
  • Paint Chainer - Paints Chainer is line drawing colorizer using chainer.

Preferred NetWorks Research


Method Codes
Cifar10 mitmul/chainer-cifar10
Deep pose mitmul/DeepPose
Deep Q-Network (DQN) ugo-nama-kun/DQN-chainer
Image super-resolution mrkn/chainer-srcnn
Image super-resolution Hi-king/chainer_superresolution
Overfeat darashi/chainer-example-overfeat-classify
Recurrent neural network (RNN) yusuketomoto/chainer-char-rnn
Variational autoencoder (VAE) RyotaKatoh/chainer-Variational-AutoEncoder
VGG mitmul/chainer-imagenet-vgg
Machine Translation, word segmentation, and language model odashi/chainer_examples
ResNet yasunorikudo/chainer-ResNet
DenseNet yasunorikudo/chainer-DenseNet
ResDrop yasunorikudo/chainer-ResDrop
Convolution Filter Visualization mitmul/chainer-conv-vis
Siamese Network mitmul/chainer-siamese
Support Vector Machine (SVM) mitmul/chainer-svm
Fast R-CNN mitmul/chainer-fast-rcnn
Fast R-CNN apple2373/chainer-simple-fast-rnn
Faster R-CNN mitmul/chainer-faster-rcnn
Group Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks tscohen/GrouPy
Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution yusuketomoto/chainer-fast-neuralstyle
illustration2vec rezoo/illustration2vec
StyleNet (A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style) apple2373/chainer_stylenet
StyleNet (A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style) mattya/chainer-gogh
Show and Tell apple2373/chainer_caption_generation
Deep Predictive Coding Networks chainer-prednet
BinaryNet hillbig/binary_net
Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE), Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN), VAE-GAN stitchfix/fauxtograph
Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) rezoo/
Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) mattya/chainer-DCGAN
Fluid simulation mattya/chainer-fluid
Convolutional Autoencoder ktnyt/
RNN Language Model odashi/
Neural Encoder-Decoder Machine Translation odashi/
LSTM variants prajdabre/chainer_examples
Stacked Denoising Autoencoder tochikuji/chainer-libDNN
Chainer Hands-on hido/chainer-handson
Recurrent Attention Model masaki-y/ram
Fully Convolutional Networks wkentaro/fcn
Generative Adversarial Networks with Denoising Feature Matching hvy/chainer-gan-denoising-feature-matching
Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks hvy/chainer-visualization
Chainer GAN Trainer hvy/chainer-gan-trainer
QRNN jekbradbury/
Deep Feature Interpolation for Image Content Changes dsanno/chainer-dfi
SegNet mitmul/chainer-segnet
WGAN musyoku/wasserstein-gan
IMSAT weihua916/imsat

Tools and extensions

Only Japanese

Conference Paper title Codes comments
arXiv only Temporal Generative Adversarial Nets
arXiv only Reasoning with Memory Augmented Neural Networks for Language Comprehension
arXiv only PMI Matrix Approximations with Applications to Neural Language Modeling
arXiv only Neural Tree Indexers for Text Understanding NTI
arXiv only Neural Semantic Encoders
arXiv only Networked Intelligence: Towards Autonomous Cyber Physical Systems
arXiv only Modeling the dynamics of human brain activity with recurrent neural networks
arXiv only A Deep-Learning Approach for Operation of an Automated Realtime Flare Forecast
arXiv only Convolutional Neural Networks using Logarithmic Data Representation
CoNLL 2016 context2vec: Learning Generic Context Embedding with Bidirectional LSTM
CoNLL 2016 Mixing Dirichlet Topic Models and Word Embeddings to Make lda2vec
ECCV 2016 Workshop Deep Impression: Audiovisual Deep Residual Networks for Multimodal Apparent Personality Trait Recognition “3rd place in Looking at People ECCV Challenge”
ECCV 2016 Workshop Learning Joint Representations of Videos and Sentences with Web Image Search
EMNLP 2016 Incorporating Discrete Translation Lexicons into Neural Machine Translation
EMNLP 2016 Controlling Output Length in Neural Encoder-Decoders
EMNLP 2016 Insertion Position Selection Model for Flexible Non-Terminals in Dependency Tree-to-Tree Machine Translation
ICLR 2016 Learning Representations Using Complex-Valued Nets
ICLR 2017 under review Dynamic Coattention Networks For Qustion Answering
ICLR 2017 under review SqueezeNet: AlexNet-level Accuracy with 50x Fewer Parameters and < 0.5MB Model Size
ICLR 2017 under review Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks
ICLR 2017 Steerable CNNs Chainer is not referred in the paper, but the authors kindly informed us.
NIPS 2016 Workshop f-GAN: Training Generative Neural Samplers using Variational Divergence Minimization
OPT 2016 QSGD: Randomized Quantization for Communication-Optimal Stochastic Gradient Descent
PETRA 2016 Evaluation of Deep Learning based Pose Estimation for Sign Language Recognition
PASJ 2016 Machine-learning Selection of Optical Transients in Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey PASJ: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
Space Weather 2016 A Deep-Learning Approach for Operation of an Automated Realtime Flare Forecast
NAACL 2016 Dynamic Entity Representation with Max-pooling Improves Machine Reading
SemEval 2016 Feature-based Model versus Convolutional Neural Network for Stance Detection
ACL 2016 Cross-Lingual Image Caption Generation
ACL 2016 Composing Distributed Representations of Relational Patterns
ACL 2016 Generating Natural Language Descriptions for Semantic Representations of Human Brain Activity
WMT 2016 MetaMind Neural Machine Translation System for WMT 2016
ICML 2016 Group Equivariant Convolutional Networks GitHub Chainer is not referred in the paper, but the authors kindly informed us.





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