- Deep learning
- Ensemble
- Neural networks
- Regression
- Decision Tree
- Bayesian
- Regularization
- Rule system
- Dimension Reduction
- Instanced based
- Clustering
- LSTM, GRU, Bidirectional LSTM
- EA
- AI search algorithms : Dijktra search, A* search
- AI game and Rule-based system
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- Theano
- Neon
- Pytorch
- Caffe
- MXnet
- Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
- DeepLearning4J
- AWS , Azure, GCP, NVIDIA GPU Cloud
- AMI : Ec2 - These AMIs come pre-installed with deep learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow, Gluon, and Apache MXNet, that are optimized for the NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs within Amazon EC2 P3 instances
- AML : model building feebatch prediction, Real time prediction
- Google cloud ML Engine
Big Data Machine Learning General Big Data Framework: Big data cluster deployments frameworks HortonWorks Data Platform (HDP) Cloudera CDH Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) Microsoft HDInsight Data acquisition: Publish-subscribe framework Source-sink framework SQL framework Message queueing framework Custom framework Data storage: Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) NoSQL Data processing and preparation: Hive and Hive Query Language (HQL) Spark SQL Amazon Redshift Real-time stream processing Machine Learning Visualization and analysis Batch Big Data Machine Learning H2O: H2O architecture Machine learning in H2O Tools and usage Case study Business problems Machine Learning mapping Data collection Data sampling and transformation Experiments, results, and analysis Spark MLlib: Spark architecture Machine Learning in MLlib Tools and usage Experiments, results, and analysis Real-time Big Data Machine Learning Scalable Advanced Massive Online Analysis (SAMOA): SAMOA architecture Machine Learning algorithms Tools and usage Experiments, results, and analysis The future of Machine Learning
Cluster deployment framework : HDP, Cloudera , Amazon Elastic MapReduce,Microsoft Azure HDInsight
Data acquisition :
- Publish-subscribe frameworks, Source-sink frameworks,
Data pocessing & preparation
- Data cleansing: Involves everything from correcting errors, type matching, normalization of elements, and so on, on the raw data. Data scraping and curating: Converting data elements and normalizing the data from one structure to another. Data transformation: Many analytical algorithms need features that are aggregates built on raw or historical data. Transforming and computing those extra features are done in this step
- Hive HSQ, SparkSQL, Amazon Redshift MPP, Real-time stream processing
- fork-join
- MapReduce
- https://medium.com/@jamal.robinson/introduction-to-h2o-ai-1ba51a884f02
- ML apps
- Computer Vision
- Smart robot
- Virtual personal assistant
- Gesture control
- Speech recognition
- Recommendation engine
- Video content recognition
- Context aware computing
- Speech to speech translation
- Back propagation
- Learning rate decay
- Max pooling
- Long short term memory
- Continuous bag of words
- Transfer learning
- Skipgram
- Batch normalization
- Dropout
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Theano
- Tensorflow
- CaffeDL4L
- Torch
- SparkML Lib : fast and engine for large scale distributed data processing
- Apache MXNet : state of the art model CNN and LSTM - Scalable
- keras :
- Image : Open Images V4 Google, Microsoft , UC Berkeley
- Video : Youtube
- Text : Squad, Yelp
- Satellite data : Landsat data
- Audio : Google Audio Set, Librispeech