The app has two separate views/components. The Product Listing Component and Cart Component. The list of products to be displayed is already provided in the app.
The app implements the following functionalities:
Clicking on each Add To Cart should add the item to the shopping cart. The listing in the Product Listing component should be updated to show the Increase/Decrease Quantity button and the quantity of the item in cart.
Clicking on each Increase Quantity Button should increase the quantity of the item in cart.
Clicking on each Decrease Quantity button when:
Cart Quantity of item is 1: Should remove the item from the cart, hide the Increase/Decrease Quantity button, and should show the Add to Cart button.
Cart Quantity Greater than 1: The quantity of the item in the cart should be decreased.
On every quantity update operation, the text for the Quantity of item should be updated both in the Listing component as well as in the corresponding entry in the Cart Component.
Items should be displayed in the Cart Component in the order they are added to Cart.
The list of products and the cart object is passed as Prop to the Product Listing Component and Cart Component respectively.