21700209 Hyejun Kim
If you enter the subject, the number of course quotas, and the number of preliminary applicants into this project, the project will let you know the order in which the course registration success rate is highest through calculation.
- Download this html file i uploaded.
- Install a web server on your Raspberry Pi (Apache or Nginx recommended)
- Put the files into /var/www/html directory
- In your browser, type in IP address of your Raspberry Pi or https://raspberrypi.local + /coursehelper/courseRegister.html
(Make sure your Raspberry Pi is in the same network, In my case the page is - Now you can use Coursehelper!
The project help students to quickly determine the best course registration order without having to perform cumbersome calculations, increasing their chances of enrolling in the courses they desire.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact at 21700209@handong.ac.kr
There are more contact information at the bottom of the website.
I wrote the full codes and designed the web.
You can watch a presentation video about this project here (https://youtu.be/jTPD8ayAVKM))