###Bionic projects
This repository created for:
- Improve my PHP skill
- Practice with Git
Repository structure:
- unusedcss - project on symfony2 to find unused css on site and validate founded html pages with w3c validation API. After instalation (standart for symfony2), use this command to create base user role: php app/console userbundle:role:insert
- symfony - simple CRUD application on symfony2
- count_chars - count chars in input string from command line
- house_oop - simple OOP example
- hacker_oop - advanced OOP example, using more OOP ability. To use this script, input correct application name (name of class) such as Emails, Forum, PublicPage, SocialNetwork or StandaloneApplication. Hacker cant hack Emails or StandaloneApplication. If he hack other application, he hack it if his proficiency bigger then application securityCoef. In this case he got application secret information, or nothing, if he didn't hack it.