Lighthouse is a powerful command line interface tool designed to facilitate the interaction with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the SEI blockchain. It allows users to easily update and deploy NFT collections.
- Deploy NFT collections with royalty option
- Update NFT collections
- Freeze/Unfreeze trading of NFT collections
- Reveal metadata of NFT collections
- View NFT collections
- Mint NFTs
- Generate merkle root for allowlists
- Generate merkle proof for a wallet
- Upload metadata and image files to upload to arweave
From your command line:
# Install lighthouse globally
$ npm install -g @we-bump/lighthouse-cli
# Run the app
$ lighthouse
From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd Lighthouse-cli
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Install ts-node globally
$ npm install -g ts-node
# Run the app
$ ts-node lightouse.ts
Init a new project configuration. It will ask you several questions about your project (name, symbol, total supply, etc.) and generate a configuration file (config.json
) based on your answers.
$ lighthouse init
Load a wallet with mnemonic keyphrase or private key to use in cli.
$ lighthouse load-wallet
Load rpc to use in cli.
$ lighthouse load-rpc
Select network to use in cli.
$ lighthouse load-network
Deploy a new NFT collection based on (config.json
) .
$ lighthouse deploy
If you have already deployed a CW2981 contract and not registerd it to Lighthouse, you can register it using the --code
--code <code-id>
Update the configuration of an existing NFT collection. You need to provide the name of the collection as a command argument.
$ lighthouse update <collection-address>
Unfreeze trading of a collection.
$ lighthouse unfreeze <collection-address>
Update placeholder metadata of hidden frozen collection
$ lighthouse update-hidden-metadata <collection-address> <placeholder-token-uri>
Reveal metadata of a collection
$ lighthouse reveal <collection-address>
Update admin of a collection
$ lighthouse update-admin <collection-address> <new-admin>
Renounce collection and make it never updatable again
$ lighthouse renounce-collection <collection-address>
View configuration of a deployed NFT collection.
$ lighthouse view <collection-address>
Mint single nft on a deployed NFT collection.
$ lighthouse mint <collection-address> <group_name>
Generate a merkle root for allowlists.
$ lighthouse generate-merkle-root <path-to-wallets-json-file>
Generate merkle proof for a walet.
$ lighthouse generate-merkle-root <path-to-wallets-json-file> <publickey>
Get owner(s) of specific token ids.
$ lighthouse ownerof <collection-address> <token-ids>
Get the minter of token(s)
$ lighthouse minterof <collection-address> <token-ids>
Get all minters of a collection
$ lighthouse mintersof <collection-address>
Snapshot holders of a collection
$ lighthouse snapshot <collection-address>
Exclude contract addresses
Output file name
--output <file>
Output how many tokens each holder owns
Validate metadata and image files to upload to arweave. (metadata files must be in ./assets folder)
$ lighthouse validate
Upload metadata and image files to upload to arweave. (metadata files must be in ./assets folder)
$ lighthouse upload
Path to Arweave wallet
--wallet <wallet>
Arweave node url optional
--url <url>
Lighthouse relies on a config.json
file for configuration of NFT collections. If the file does not exist, the CLI will automatically guide you through creating a default one.
"mnemonic": "your mnemonic keyphrase",
"rpc": "rpc url",
"network": "atlantic-2",
"name": "collection-name",
"symbol": "collection-symbol",
"description": "",
"supply": 1000,
"token_uri": "",
"royalty_percent": 5,
"royalty_wallet": "royalty-wallet-address",
"start_order": 1,
"frozen": false,
"hidden_metadata": false,
"placeholder_token_uri": "",
"groups": [
"name": "whitelist",
"merkle_root": "dcd038eeec4c67d44de097df2d773179fa811948a2e391f9784f6823a29c4a9f",
"max_tokens": 3,
"unit_price": 0.5,
"creators": [
"address": "creator-wallet-address",
"share": 100
"start_time": "2023-05-30T08:00:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-05-30T09:00:00Z"
"name": "public",
"merkle_root": null,
"max_tokens": 10,
"unit_price": 1,
"creators": [
"address": "creator-wallet-address",
"share": 100
"start_time": "2023-05-30T09:00:00Z",
"end_time": null
- memonic keyphrase to use in the Lighthouse
- private key to use in the Lighthouse. (mnemonic or private key must be provided)
- rpc url of the blockchain
- network name
- name of the collection
- symbol of the collection
- supply of the collection
- base token url of the collection
token url is used for giving every nft a metadata url. nft urls are determined like this: {token_uri}/{nft_token_id}
- royalty percent on every sale
- wallet to receive royalty
- should disable token_uri generate for iterated urls or not (eg: {token_uri}/1, {token_uri}/2, ...)
(if set to true every nft will have same metadata url and if set to false every nft will have different metadata url)
- start token id of the collection (default: 0)
- should the trading be frozen or not (default: false) (can only freezed while deploying and can't be freezed after deployed)
- should the metadata be hidden and replaced with "placeholder_token_uri" or not (default: false) (can only be hidden while deploying and can't be hidden after deployed)
- placeholder token url to use for every nft's metadata if "hidden_metadata" is set to true
- array of mint groups
- group name
- merkle root to restrict minting to only allowlisted wallets
- max mint per wallet
- mint price
- array of creators and their share in mint funds (total share must be 100)
- start time of minting to start for the group (utc)
- end time of mint (utc)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
While minting, minters have to pay 1.5 $SEI for Lighthouse platform fee on every minted nft. (if mint is free, no fee will be charged)