npm i -D rollup-plugin-svelte-source
In your rollup config file. import the plugin and enable it under plugins.
// rollup.config.js
import svelteSource from 'rollup-plugin-svelte-source';
plugins: [
// make sure to initialize plugin
// before the svelte plugin
By default these options are implemented.
// the variable and export name for the stringified sourcecode
label: 'ಠ_ಠ',
// what characters to be replaced. as we are working with html code the default is replacing
// the base htmlentities. Any occurence of a ending </script> tag will terminate the script.
// So at the minimum you'd have to escape that.
replace: {
'&': '&',
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'"': '"',
'‘': ''',
// what extensions to allow. Unless having some custom file extensions for svelte files,
// this option can be left as is and you'd do the filtering with the include/exclude options.
// expects an array and is checking that the filename ends with any one of these values
extensions: ['.svelte'],
// include and exclude uses @rollup/pluginutils filter which you can read more about here
// and also for the matching features
include: undefined,
exclude: undefined
// Parent.svelte
import Component, { ಠ_ಠ } from './Component.svelte';
{@html ಠ_ಠ}
<Component />
I do not recommend leaving include/exclude undefined(default) then every svelte component would have a custom source code being exported. Either come up with your own file naming convention or only include certain directories/files.
// inside component you have access to 'source' and outside as an export
// import Component, { source } from './subfolder/demos/testing/Component.svelte';
label: 'source',
// match all svelte files that is at least under a 'demos' folder
include: ['**/demos/**'],
// but exclude all files named Index.svelte
exclude: ['**/Index.svelte']
// Parent.svelte
import Component, { source } from './Component.svelte';
{@html source}
<Component />