This is a very simple demo that can be used as a template for new projects. It configures I2C and UART to read a preasure from I2C sensor and print the value via UART. When build with debug configuration it also uses semihosting. It should work with minor changes in all STM32L0 devices and with a few more changes on other microcontrollers.
In first step remember to select proper STM32L0 family for stm32l0xx-hal in Cargo.toml
and ensure that memory.x
reflects your device memory configuration.
To build project:
# cargo build
For release version (without semihosting), first switch panic hadler in Cargo.toml
to panic-halt and:
# cargo build --release
To load binary using OpenOCD and ST-link:
# ./ target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/stm32_blink
# ./ target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/stm32_blink
To start gdb for debugging:
# ./
And in second terminal:
# ./ target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/stm32_blink