In this web application, i've harnessed the power of some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience. At the core of application, i use React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. This allows me to develop complex UIs from small, isolated pieces of code called "components", making our application both highly modular and maintainable.
To manage the state of app, i use Redux Toolkit, a powerful library for efficient state management in JavaScript applications. It allows us to handle app's state in a predictable manner, thanks to the principles of actions, reducers, and a single source of truth for state. For the aesthetic and responsiveness of application, i utilize TailwindCSS, a utility-first CSS framework. It enables us to build custom designs without leaving HTML, with low-level utility classes that let us build completely custom, production-ready designs. My application connects to an external API, fakestoreapi.com, using Axios, a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. This is where i get the list of products that you see on our platform. I chose Axios because it is easy to use, supports the Promise API, and has a wide range of useful features such as intercepting requests and responses, transforming data, and canceling requests.
- React
- Redux/toolkit
- Tailwindcss
- axios
- react-toastify
It should be clarified that this project is not a finished commercial product. In this project, the practice of using some technologies / development tools was obtained, someone else's layout was used in Figma, so some elements were not implemented (such as the "Privacy Policy" page component in the Footer, Facebook shop icons, and so on).