- Docker
- docker-compose >= v1.24.1
- Python 3.8
Make sure following ports are not in use:
- 7000-7005
- 8080
- 3000
- 9090
- 9121
- 6379
This approach is fine as long as we can take possibility of some data loss due to asyc replication master->slave
How it works:
- If master fails sentinel promotes slave to master
- If Slave fails that has no impact
- If Slave gets promoted HAproxy check makes sure Redis client traffic goes always to node with master role
There are 3 master nodes and 3 slave nodes.
How it works:
- If any master node fails his slave becomes new master
- If slave fails there is no impact on clusters work
- If one master and his slave fail the traffic will go to other nodes
- Client is responsible to implement Redis cluster logic but for initial access there is HAproxy that always points traffic to one of masters
I have made a Makefile to handle tipical lifting of both solutions:
$ cd docker-compose
$ make help
help: Show this help.
up-sentinel: Lift up docker-compose redis master-slave with sentinel
down-sentinel: Down docker-compose redis master-slave with sentinel
up-cluster: Lift up docker-compose redis 6 node cluster
down-cluster: Down docker-compose redis 6 node cluster
- cluster-config-X.conf - configuration for each Redis instance in 6 node setup
- prom-cluster.yml - prometheus redis cluster conf
- prom-sentinel.yml - prometheus redis with sentinel conf
- Makefile - described above
- haproxy.cfg - haproxy config for redis with sentinel
- haproxy_6_nodes.cfg - haproxy config for 6 node redis cluster
- docker-compose.yml - docker-compose for redis with sentinel solution
- docker-compose-6-node.yml - docker-compose for redis 6 node setup
-- provisioning-grafana
---- dashboards - inital Grafana dashboards inside docker
---- datasources - default prometheus datasource setup fro Grafana in docker
Before running it please lift up solution with sentinel.
Python ENV variables:
REDIS_HA - indicates which solution should script connect to cluster or master-slave solution
REDIS_HA=SENTINEL - default value if not provided
REDIS_HOST - redis host or redis hosts
REDIS_HOST=localhost - default value if not provided
For Redis with Sentinel:
For Redis 6 node cluster:
Usage: - <command>
available commands:
delete_all_keys - deletes all key/val inside redis
get_all_keys - logs all key/val inside redis
set_keys - sets 10 keys inside redis
watch_keys - watch and print all keys inside redis every second
Example: python get_all_keys
For integration testing lift up redis master-slave + sentinel solution and python
Python cli tool doesn't work with 6 node cluster if it's outside Docker network.
Reason is that cluster master node may send MOVED to other master node and it can't be reached.
For this reason every docker-compose deployment as redis-script-python
so we demonstrate it's working
as a service.
Both solutions have monitoring setup:
- redis_exporter
- prometheus
- grafana
It's implemented inside docker-compose ymls.
1. - HAproxy
2. - Grafana
3. - Prometheus
Grafana has default auth:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Docker images:
Docker Hub builds Docker image for Python script on commit.
Travis runs tests on commit: