Workalike to Sonarr and Sickbeard - mostly to learn Go better
You can add shows, get information from tvdb and tvrage, manually search for episodes and send them to a folder that SABnzbd or a torrent downloader is watching. There is post processing functionality to import downloaded files but is mostly tested with SABnzbd. See for more info.
- More Providers, especially torrent providers.
- Better support for non standard show formats - daily, sports etc.
- A Javascript UI written by somebody that knows what they're doing
- More tests
- Better Anime Support
- A working go install (1.4+)
- libpcre development files
- For Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install libpcre3-dev
go get -t
cd $GOPATH/src/
cp config_example.json config.json
edit config.json for file paths etc
cd webapp
npm install
To run during development:
go get -u -v
$GOPATH/bin/gin -i -p 9001 -a 9000 r -- -logtostderr=true -config_file config.json
Point your browser at localhost:9001/a/tv2go.html
Add shows and click around
It currently works with Sabnzbd or a torrent downloader that can watch a director for new torrents.
Set the NZBBlackhole directory in config.json to where Sabnzbd will look for new .nzb files. Create a subdirectory named tv2go
"NZBBlackhole": "/path/to/nzb/blackhole/tv2go"
"TorrentBlackhole": "/path/to/torrent/blackhole"
mkdir -p /path/to/nzb/blackhole/tv2go
mkdir -p /path/to/torrent/blackhole
Compile the postprocess script and copy it and config.yaml to the Sabnzbd postprocess script directory
cd postprocess
go build -o sabToTv2go postprocess.go
cp sabToTv2go config.yaml /path/to/postprocess/scripts
Create a new category in Sabnzbd named tv2go and set it to use sabToTv2go to postprocess the downloads.
deluge can run scripts on torrent completion with the 'execute' plugin. Set that up to run the shell script and it should send downloaded files to tv2go for processing.
System Walkthrough
I primarily wrote this to learn Go better. It's been a very interesting process especially learning how to structure code given the lack of the type of OO code structure that I'm used to (Python and Ruby).
###Major Parts
- Name Parsing
- Indexers
- Providers
- Daemon
- Web UI
###Name Parsing
Reliably Parsing strings into their various parts is the heart of a program like tv2go. This is handled by the NameParser package of tv2go. It is essentially a series of regular expressions and application of best guesses to try and extract the most information from a given string.
In tv2go indexers are services like and They provide the canonical list of available shows and episodes. These are consulted when adding a new show for tv2go to tack and on a regular background timer to update information about those shows.
In tv2go indexer libraries are written to convert information from the given indexer format to a canonical internal format that can be used by the rest of the system.
Providers are sites that list shows available for download. These are either NZB or Torrent based sites. The Provider interface in tv2go allows for search of a particular show/season/episode as well as polling the Provider every N minutes for new releases.
The Daemon is the part that ties everything together and sets up the background processing to watch for new releases from providers, update show information etc.
###REST API All of the UI for tv2go is implemented over this API. The API surface is pretty small, see configGinEngine in for everything.
###Web UI This is an abomination for before Dog and Man. Switching between Javascript and Go is incredibly jarring and I'm no good at Javascript anyway.