#inPDF: skip
from numpy import pi
from gpkit import VectorVariable, Variable, Model, units
from gpkit.tools import te_exp_minus1
import gpkit
import numpy as np
gpkit.settings['latex_modelname'] = False
class GasPoweredHALE(Model):
def setup(self):
constraints = []
# define number of segments
NSeg = 3
#Note: NSeg has to be an odd number
# defining indices of different flight segments
NLoiter = (NSeg-1)/2
if NSeg == 3:
NCruise = [0,2]
elif NSeg == 7:
Nclimb = [0,2,4,6]
NCruise = [1,5]
MTOW = Variable('MTOW', 'lbf', 'max take off weight')
W_end = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'W_{end}', 'lbf', 'segment-end weight')
W_fuel = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'W_{fuel}', 'lbf', 'segment-fuel weight')
W_zfw = Variable('W_{zfw}', 'lbf', 'Zero fuel weight')
W_pay = Variable('W_{pay}',10,'lbf', 'Payload weight')
W_avionics = Variable('W_{avionics}', 2, 'lbf', 'Avionics weight')
f_airframe = Variable('f_{airframe}', 0.25, '-', 'airframe weight fraction')
W_airframe = Variable('W_{airframe}', 'lbf', 'airframe weight')
W_begin = W_end.left # define beginning of segment weight
W_begin[0] = MTOW
- Mass take off weight is greater than the end of the first segment weight plus that segment fuel weight.
- The end of each flight segment weight must be greater than the next end of flight segment weight plus the fuel weight of the next flight segment.
- The end of the last flight segment weight must be greater than the zero fuel weight
constraints.extend([MTOW >= W_end[0] + W_fuel[0],
W_end[:-1] >= W_end[1:] + W_fuel[1:],
W_end[-1] >= W_zfw,
W_airframe >= f_airframe*MTOW])
- Steady state flight
- Angle of attack zero
- Thrust equals drag
- Lift equals weight
- The weight is approximated by the average weight of the flight segment.
- The average weight can be approximated by: $W_{avg} = \sqrt{W_{begin} W_{end}}$. Where $W_{begin}$ is the beginning of the flight segment and
$W_{end}$ is the end of the flight segment.
CD = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'C_D', '-', 'Drag coefficient')
CL = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'C_L', '-', 'Lift coefficient')
V = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'V', 'm/s','cruise speed')
rho = VectorVariable(NSeg, r'\rho', 'kg/m^3', 'air density')
S = Variable('S', 16, 'ft^2', 'wing area')
eta_prop = VectorVariable(NSeg, r'\eta_{prop}', [0.8,0.6,0.8], '-',
'propulsive efficiency')
P_shaft = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'P_{shaft}', 'hp', 'Shaft power')
h_dot = Variable(NSeg, 'h_{dot}', [200,0,0], 'ft/min', 'Climb rate')
constraints.extend([P_shaft >= V*(W_end+W_begin)/2*CD/CL/eta_prop + W_begin*h_dot/eta_prop,
0.5*rho*CL*S*V**2 >= (W_end+W_begin)/2])
W_eng = Variable('W_{eng}', 'lbf', 'Engine weight')
W_engtot = Variable('W_{eng-tot}', 'lbf', 'Installed engine weight')
W_engref = Variable('W_{eng-ref}', 4.4107, 'lbf', 'Reference engine weight')
P_shaftref = Variable('P_{shaft-ref}', 2.295, 'hp', 'reference shaft power')
constraints.extend([W_eng/W_engref >= 0.5538*(P_shaft/P_shaftref)**1.075,
W_engtot >= 2.572*W_eng**0.922*units('lbf')**0.078])
constraints.extend([W_airframe >= f_airframe*MTOW,
W_zfw >= W_pay + W_avionics + W_airframe + W_engtot])
- Constant speed during each flight section
- Constant BSFC
- The
$\ln$ can be approximated using a Taylor-series expansion
z_bre = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'z_{bre}', '-', 'breguet coefficient')
BSFC = VectorVariable(NSeg,'BSFC', [0.5,.55,0.6], 'lbf/hr/hp', 'brake specific fuel consumption')
t = VectorVariable(NSeg, 't', 'days', 'time on station')
R = Variable('R', 200, 'nautical_miles', 'range to station')
g = Variable('g', 9.81, 'm/s^2', 'Gravitational acceleration')
constraints.extend([z_bre >= V*t*BSFC*CD/CL/eta_prop,
R == V[NCruise]*t[NCruise],
t[NLoiter] == 5*units('days'),
W_fuel/W_end >= te_exp_minus1(z_bre, 3)])
- The wing is a box shape.
- The non-wing drag is a constant
- The stall factor is based off standard airfoil polar.
- Reference length for Reynolds number is teh chord.
- The skin friction is based off of Blasius flat plate.
- The form factor for the wing is constant.
Cd0 = Variable('C_{d0}', 0.02, '-', 'Non-wing drag coefficient')
CLmax = Variable('C_{L-max}', 1.5, '-', 'Maximum lift coefficient')
e = Variable('e', 0.9, '-', 'Spanwise efficiency')
AR = Variable('AR', '-', 'Aspect ratio')
b = Variable('b', 'ft', 'Span')
mu = Variable(r'\mu', 1.5e-5, 'N*s/m^2', 'Dynamic viscosity')
Re = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'Re', '-', 'Reynolds number')
Cf = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'C_f', '-', 'wing skin friction coefficient')
Kwing = Variable('K_{wing}', 1.3, '-', 'wing form factor')
cl_16 = Variable('cl_{16}', 0.0001, '-', 'profile stall coefficient')
constraints.extend([CD >= Cd0 + 2*Cf*Kwing + CL**2/(pi*e*AR) + cl_16*CL**16,
b**2 == S*AR,
In place of an actual structural model, we impose
AR <= 20,
CL <= CLmax,
Re == rho*V/mu*(S/AR)**0.5,
Cf >= 0.074/Re**0.2])
- Valid only to the top of the troposphere.
h = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'h', 'ft', 'Altitude')
gamma = Variable(r'\gamma',1.4,'-', 'Heat capacity ratio of air')
p_sl = Variable('p_{sl}', 101325, 'Pa', 'Pressure at sea level')
T_sl = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'T_{sl}', [288.15,288.15,288.15], 'K',
'Temperature at sea level')
L_atm = Variable('L_{atm}', 0.0065, 'K/m', 'Temperature lapse rate')
T_atm = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'T_{atm}', 'K', 'Air temperature')
a_atm = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'a_{atm}','m/s', 'Speed of sound at altitude')
R_spec = Variable('R_{spec}', 287.058,'J/kg/K', 'Specific gas constant of air')
TH = (g/R_spec/L_atm).value.magnitude # dimensionless
constraints.extend([#h <= [20000, 20000, 20000]*units.m,
T_sl >= T_atm + L_atm*h, # Temp decreases w/ altitude
rho == p_sl*T_atm**(TH-1)/R_spec/(T_sl**TH),
h[NLoiter] >= 15000*units('ft'), # makes sure that the loiter occurs above minimum h
V_wind = VectorVariable(NSeg, 'V_{wind}', 'm/s', 'wind speed')
wd_cnst = Variable('wd_{cnst}', 0.0015, 'm/s/ft',
'wind speed constant predicted by model')
#0.002 is worst case, 0.0015 is mean at 45d
wd_ln = Variable('wd_{ln}', 8.845, 'm/s',
'linear wind speed variable')
#13.009 is worst case, 8.845 is mean at 45deg
h_min = Variable('h_{min}', 11800, 'ft', 'minimum height')
h_max = Variable('h_{max}', 20866, 'ft', 'maximum height')
constraints.extend([V_wind >= wd_cnst*h + wd_ln,
V >= V_wind,
h[NCruise] >= h_min])
objective = MTOW
return objective, constraints
if __name__ == "__main__":
M = GasPoweredHALE()
#inPDF: replace with sol.generated.tex
with open("sol.generated.tex", "w") as f: