Build a Sankey plot (in HTML format) from an input TSV file.
12 root Viruses Caudovirales Siphoviridae Fromanvirus unclassified Fromanvirus Mycobacterium phage Naca
10 root Viruses Caudovirales Siphoviridae Dismasvirus unclassified Dismasvirus Microbacterium phage Didgeridoo
8 root Viruses unclassified Baculoviridae Betabaculovirus unclassified Betabaculovirus Spodoptera litura granulovirus
Important: At the moment your TSV needs to have the same amount of columns for each row. Insert unclassified XXX if you are missing a rank.
Here, we have identified 12 Mycobacterium phage Naca, 10 Microbacterium phage Didgeridoo, and 8 litura granulovirus. We will use a script to build the JSON format that looks like this:
{"name":"unclassified Fromanvirus","id":4},
{"name":"Mycobacterium phage Naca","id":5},
{"name":"unclassified Dismasvirus","id":7},
{"name":"Microbacterium phage Didgeridoo","id":8},
{"name":"litura granulovirus","id":13}
ruby tsv2json.rb test/viruses.tsv 200
or to specifically include or exclude certain values regardless of the cutoff (e.g. 200), respectively:
ruby tsv2json.rb test.tsv 200 '[B.1.351.2,B.1.351.3,B.1.617.2,B.1.617.1,B.1.617.3]' '[B.1.177.86,B.1.177.81,B.1.177.62,B.1.258.17,A.27,B.1.221,B.1.525,B.1.1.318,B.1.160,B.1.1.317,B.1.258]'
- first list includes
- second list excludes
You should apply a cutoff (here 200
) depending on your input because otherwise the Sankey plot will become to large. You can test different cutoffs.
The resulting .json
file can be used to plot the Sankey.
Based on
conda create -n sankey -c r r-base pandoc
conda activate sankey
# basics needed for Sankey HTML
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD nanozoo/sankey_plot:0.12.3--8cf7f6a /bin/bash
Use a conda environment or the Docker.
Taxonomy <- jsonlite::fromJSON("test/viruses.tsv.json")
# show in browser
sankeyNetwork(Links = Taxonomy$links, Nodes = Taxonomy$nodes, Source = "source",
Target = "target", Value = "value", NodeID = "name", units = "count",
fontSize = 22, nodeWidth = 30, nodeShadow = TRUE, nodePadding = 30,
nodeStrokeWidth = 1, nodeCornerRadius = 10, dragY = TRUE, dragX = TRUE,
numberFormat = ",.3g")
# print to HTML file
sankeyNetwork(Links = Taxonomy$links, Nodes = Taxonomy$nodes, Source = "source",
Target = "target", Value = "value", NodeID = "name", units = "count",
fontSize = 22, nodeWidth = 30, nodeShadow = TRUE, nodePadding = 30,
nodeStrokeWidth = 1, nodeCornerRadius = 10, dragY = TRUE, dragX = TRUE,
numberFormat = ",.3g") %>% saveNetwork(file = 'viruses_sankey.html')
Apply orderByPath = TRUE
if the child nodes should be ordered by path instead of their size.