Hub identities service manages all globally unique user identities and is responsible for user authentication. It provides a secure, robust, and scalable user authentication and management system.
GraphQL API for interacting with Ory Kratos admin API.
/api # API server
/core # shared dependencies
/ory # ory admin SDK
/src # app entry point
Run docker compose to startup Ory Kratos in development mode with Ory self service UI for creating users via username+password. Kratos configuration files are located in the kratos
docker-compose up
Service | Endpoint |
Kratos Public | http://localhost:4433 |
Kratos Admin | http://localhost:4434 |
Ory Standalone UI | http://localhost:4455 |
Next startup the identities API
cargo run -- --kratos-admin-endpoint=http://localhost:4434