- Cycle accurate cross platform Nintendo NES emulator for Win32/Linux/OSX
- Copyright 2013 James Holodnak
- Visit the official website at http://www.nesemu2.com/
A few compile time options are available, they are listed below.
- CPU_UNDOC - Enable the undocumented opcodes.
- QUICK_SPRITES - Use the fast sprite code.
All of these are currently enabled by default.
The build target is automatically determined by the makefile. Linux/OSX must use the SDL library. For Win32 just specify USESDL=0 on the command line to build the Win32 API version. Here are some example command lines for building:
To build using the default options and autodetect your OS.
For building the Win32 API version.
make USESDL=0
Enabling the undocumented opcodes.
make CPU_UNDOC=1
Forcing to build on a specific OS.
Building on forced Win32, undocument opcodes and fast sprites enabled.
Just run it like this:
./nesemu2 <ines/ines 2.0/unif/fds file>
The Win32 API target operates like a standard Win32 program. Use File -> Open.
The program will search for configuration files to use. It looks for it like this:
- Check the current working directory for nesemu2.cfg
- If the HOME environment variable is set, it tries ~/.nesemu/nesemu2.cfg
- (Win32 only) Check the directory the .exe is stored in.
If it is not found, it creates it in:
- Win32: The same directory as the executable.
- Linux/OSX: The users home directory (~/.nesemu/nesemu2.cfg)
If you do not like any of these locations, you can use --config as a command line parameter.
To update the subtrees use the following commands:
git fetch slre master
git subtree pull --prefix source/misc/slre slre master --squash
These will update slre to the latest version.
Thanks goes out to the following groups/individuals:
- the #nesdev irc channel.
- the nesdev wiki and message boards.
- Martin Freij for Nestopia's great mapper reference.
- Quietust for Nintendulator, sound code was based upon his.
- Quietust for Nintendulator, zapper code based upon his.
- SDLMAME project, sdl sound code is ripped directly from it.
- SLRE at https://code.google.com/p/slre
- r0ni for giving me access to an OSX machine.